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Guests in this country? A bit rich when you consider how many countries people from this country are guests in and look at what their doing and have done throughout the years, also what's with all the Tommy Robinson love, I know we don't all have to agree on this but to give him any kind of credabillty like he's some of hero for the working class is retarded, I mean I find Trump quite entertaining but trust me I'm under no illusion that he's scum of the earth, what's next people on here gonna say how Nick Griffin and the BNP were misunderstood??


Brilliant brilliant video Hatman. I love this channel and that’s why I recommend this to to others. With regards to this grooming, we will always come across peadophiles/perverts/scum bags/criminals in every country/race/religion. However, when it’s a Muslim or Asian who is the perpetrator, the ethnicity is always brought up. The media loves to plaster these men’s faces on the front of the newspapers. Whereas when it’s a white person, seldom will you hear the term White, English, British, Christian. They will only refer to him/her by name and geography. And I totally agree with you with regards to Tommy Robinson, he focuses 100% of his attention on Asian and Muslim crimes. According to him there is no such thing as a white rapist or peadophile.