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peter lally

Very good video Hatman, a few comments: 1) The Pakistani Gangs are worse than if the Gangs were White British, because on top of the terrible crimes committed, they have also done it as "guests" in the country. It is like you invited someone into your home, and they repaid you like that. If it was your actual home, you would chuck out them and any one of their group whom you suspected, in order to protect your own. For the poor victims it is equal. 2) It is also a racial attack, of Pakistanis on White British, but it is not put in the statistics like that. Same as when black gangs attack white people, it is not entered as a statistic, but in reality behind both crimes is a racial element. Whereas if White British attack other groups, race is always brought into it. The reason there are no crime figures per ethnicity is political censorship (correctness), because certain races commit more of the crimes than others, and to reveal it gives fuel to anti immigrant feeling. <a href="https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/crimescommittedbyethnicity" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/crimescommittedbyethnicity</a> 3) The Pakistani Grooming gang went to Jail, but their customers didn't. Therefore you have this large number of child rapists, who are not uncovered. How many of them are protected by their own community? The problem is bigger than the guys in the mugshots. I read most of their victims end up as hard drug addicts and working as prostitutes. Their suffering goes on for the rest of their lives. 4) I do not like the EDL, but that video does not help. It is made to sneer and laugh at them. It is the hatred of white working class men who are not that clever. So they sneer at the stupid. Do they sneer at the disabled too? So they pick on the disadvantaged, yet claim to defend the disadvantaged. So they are hypocrites. The answer here is to try and understand everyone, the EDL are wrong in lots of ways, but as you correctly state, there is a genuine injustice behind it, which the people are not good at articulating, and they gets manipulated. 5) Historically there is a big dividing line along Asia/Middle East/Africa, between Muslim and Christian, which was where the fighting between them stopped. The line existed because they could not live with each other. Now considering that Britain once ruled many of these countries, and knew the peoples, what does it say of the British leadership that they bring millions of Muslims into the country, creating lots of social problems, allow them to build up radical groups, then go over and bomb and murder Muslims in their own countries? Following that you have the "anti-terror" laws, where we have lost justice and rights, wide spread surveillance, torture, huge security costs, etc. We have gone backwards in time. You could not make a bigger mess of it. For every thought that the deep state is super intelligent, neglects one big factor - incompetence. Look how governments worldwide are run, sheer incompetence. And all those ordinary people, on all sides, suffering. 6) "Profiling" is good! If a white man, middle aged, who is bald, commits a murder, and you are looking for him, then it makes no sense to stop women, or black men, or white young men, or white middle aged men with full heads of hair, etc. That is how you catch people, the Police gather information to narrow down the hunt. I am of Irish background, when the IRA were active, I would have no problem with me being checked at an airport, whilst simultaneously Asian men walking through security unmolested. The problems is people not being treated respectfully by the Police, or being attacked, or being fitted up for crimes they did not commit. I think it is the Policing that needs to be radically changed, not the technique of "profiling". And "Stop and Search". Say for instance they stopped and searched every young black man in London, regularly, would knife crime go down? We need an honest and open Police force, who can be checked upon, and brought to justice where needed, but who can take action in a practical way, without fear of losing their jobs for political reasons. 7) Paedophile Cyril Smith was MP for Rochdale, and did a lot of abuse there. Maybe the issue is the people are poor there, so they have the least protection, and perhaps the Police are corrupt/incompetent there, and as the people are poor nothing is done about it. I have one friend who lives up in Greater Manchester, and he was talking about Pakistani criminals, and what they are doing up there. So I would say there is an issue up there 8) I worked for over a year in a mainly Muslim company, and the people were as you say very peaceful, and they were very nice to me, I liked a lot about them. But I found they had no sympathy to people who were down on their luck, they had this belief that is something bad happens to you that you brought it on yourself, and they looked down at the person. They also did not want to pay any taxes, but wanted all the education/healthcare/benefits these taxes were to pay for. So like us all, a mixed bag! All the best


These EDL skinheads are not the only people who want tommy robinson free'd. Anyone whos educated themselves on what has happened to him will understand that he shouldn't be serving a 13 month sentence. He stood out side a court in a public place and filmed an alleged grooming gang enter the court on the final day, he did not say anything that wasnt public knowledge published by the bbc, yet he was arrest and charged of contempt of court and instantly thrown in prison for 13 months. With a Gag order, the British media don't want coverage on this.


Clearly youve never been racially profiled yourself. I have and it wasnt fun and it was hugely embarrassing. In the middle of busy town center at rush hour, stopped pulled over and made to stand against your car with your legs apart and searched. It wasnt a good look. As for Pakistani guys being guests, well the vast majority of these rapists were born here so I cant accept that. Their parents whove worked hard were the guests. These guys see themselves as British Asians. As for it being racial, well I think its anybody but their own young girls. How many 14 year old Pakistani girls are walking the streets or are obvious prey to be groomed though?