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Consider this audio a collaboration between me (the speaker) and you (the listener). There are almost zero spoken words in this audio so it is up to you to decide on almost everything.

"He" can be whoever you want. A roommate? Besftriend? Boyfriend? Help me strep-broseph?

"Your Favourite position" Can be whatever you want. I look forward to living it with you. 😊


In my latest attempt to give you everything you could want, I give you this revolutionary ventriloquist?-style audio. There is enough guidance from me here if you get stuck but there is so much room for you to picture your own scenario with your own co-star.

It's experimental, to say the least, but it still doesn't feel like you're doing this "alone", in fact, I think it really helps add to some immersion. I hope you agree!

Time for me to love ya and leave ya. Happy to provide 4 audios this month! I hope you enjoyed every single one and I'll see you in around a week for another exclusive (of course there will be some new Reddit audios before then)!

Love ya!

Will x




I’m gonna pretend this is Aegon Targaryen fuckin me 😂this is gold😍


Those breathy pants, moans, and groans are making me think of investing in a surround sound system in my bedroom specifically for this audio. 🔥🔥🔥🔥