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Talking Meditation and truck game at the end! <3

Just wanna take some time here to tell you how I grateful I am. Honestly, It still blows my mind that I have this small little place on the internet to hang out with people that I love and I really feel like it's one of the most beautiful things my life has. Thank you so much for accepting me!


Anyway, gonna love ya and leave ya!

Will x



It feels like you've created this small little place for us, too. It's always nice to crash here and take a break from everyday life. 💚


"I’m a big, big, BIG believer in you are not your thoughts—it was just the first programming installed in your brain’s software (is how I like to call it)." Such a refreshing take! Actually helps absorb responsibility and guilt and kind of relates to my theory on Free Will which is a whole nother thing "then it makes TOTAL sense that the outcome as an adult is the mental equivalent of train derailing or crashing, esp when dealing with stressful ass situations. " Love the analogy! And can also see that the influence and education of the next person who builds the train tracks would have a cascading and accumulative personality to it. It's actually like a crazy movie-like concept where something that could've affected your grandparents could have an effect on how you behave just because of the way their mind and behaviours were altered from their experience. Honestly, thank you so much for the suggestions regarding therapy and body because It makes so much sense. I had a serious anger problem as a kid but because I excorcise so much, I'm the most chill dude ever now. Little did I know there would be other ways to tackle my other issues. I also love the idea that im hacking my nervous systems when I meditate. Gosh I'm cool 😎 I'm DEFO trying the 4784 method. Cheers for that one! Might even mix it with my nostril thingy cause like, I'm a bit of a pro-gamer anyway What right do you fucking have to give so much valuable and intelligent information in a place like this, Coco? That was awesome. Thanks so much! <3