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catch up with daddio

Will x




Totally gonna play truck bingo later! I’d say the chances of butt stuff is 60%. It’s a lot of prep and I’m a lil scared about it, but it’s a bucket list thing. I kinda like the anonymity of characters/ people but for me personally the mask isn’t doing it haha. (Theyd also have to have a nice voice and something intriguing about them) My friend that has a dragon buddy likes it because she is asexual and a pp would be a total turn off for her. Love these hangouts and your American accent! 😅💖


I agree that visiting historical sites is very inspiring! But I don’t really like having too much explanation from the tour guide. They always boom my brain with knowledge😂 Maybe I tend to immerse myself and appreciate more. Umm I think I kind of get the masked man kink? Masked men are sometimes related to crime in movies and there are girls who fantasize bad guys😈 Watched some gameplay from cyberpunk 2077 like 2 years ago? The edgy art style left a strong impression in my mind. It also reminds me of the game Detroit becoming human. Futuristic creations always explore the awakening of AI, which is very beautiful to see😌 Hope everything goes well in your hectic days! Take your time:)


Ahhhh the pp thing is something I didn't think about in terms of dildos! cool! I could see this mask trend coming to a weird viral peak at some point and things just getting weird but It'll be fun to watch 🍿 Don't comp[liment my American accent because I wont be able to stop dripping it all over! (I defo need to tone it down 😅)


I think there are plenty of bored and unpassionate tour guides which I get. It might not be the funnest job repeating the same dialogue for years and years. Ahh yeah, the bad guys angle! Kinda get that, guess it's a villian thing. thinking of it... maybe I could experiment with it for a halloween audio 🤔 I'm such a slut for LED's and futuristic looking stuff. Some of the body mod stuff is exciting but I wonder how far I would go...? All fun things to think about. Thank you, Snowy :)