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Updating the look of the site a bit to bring in my two year anniversary on Patreon. The originals are still nice, but I felt it was time for a fresh coat of paint. Therefore, I kept the same concept and fancied up the details. The new versions are the same size, just more color and details makes them look higher resolution.

The flying city represents my Patreon; sort of a pixel art utopia in the sky where all are welcome to come learn, or simply be inspired by the sights. Furthermore, I gave the city a more imaginative and inviting design with nature features, warm colors, and my iconic glass domed structures.

I hope you like it. I might still touch up some details, but good enough to implement. Actually, I'm thinking to add small ships and extra structures as my support grows.

Also, notice I updated the main banner image of the site. With this I want to show a nice overview of my work with slices from many of my best pieces over the past year or so.

Lastly, don't forget a new tier is going to be introduced very soon. Here's a basic overview if you haven't been keeping up.
$10 Pixel Producer
- Download source files
- Top Priority and emphasis in shoutouts
- Personal feedback options
- Plus all other rewards and the prestige of being a totally awesome supporter!

I already have the tier graphic complete. I just need to get some files organized for the source file downloads. Should be ready by tomorrow or the following day. 




This comparison image here is so powerful, in only a matter of two years your abilities have clearly improved dramatically. I’m happy to be a contributor to your pixel utopia in the sky!