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Here it is folks. The ultimate package for my top supporters! Become a Pixel Producer for $10 a month and gain total access to the Slynyrd world. Come join me in the Sky garden!

Here's an overview of the benefits. 

  • Source file downloads
  • Critique sessions
  • Emphasized shoutouts
  • Plus all previous rewards

Download source files to see exactly how I setup my projects. These are all Photoshop files at the moment, but I do sometimes use Asesprite and Pyxel Edit, and do intend to share those files as well. I will post a starter pack with several source files from previous work, and I will also be posting source files along with new content as it's released. You may also directly request the source files to any previous works that aren't posted, and I will send them to you.

Coordinate monthly critique sessions with me via video chat (Skype), or email. Show me your artworks and I'll give you feedback. Or, you can just pick my brain for some advice. It's totally optional, but I'm happy to take the time to help my top supporters. However, if there is much demand I may have to limit the amount of students I can take on.

Also, get recognized for being a top supporter in the credits of Pixelcast videos.

Of course, Pixel Producers also enjoy all the benefits of the lower tiers.

If you're serious about upping your pixel skills, or just a big fan and want to help me build the business, become a Pixel Producer!  



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