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Storyline: For the past few months, you have been visiting a shrine to the goddess Inari. At said shrine, there is a lone kitsune tasked with taking care of the shrine. You've always meant to ask why she was alone but figured it was none of your business'. After a detour causing you to arrive later then normal, the kitsune seems to be getting talkative towards you. She normally is pretty quiet, maybe you should listen...

Included: Monster girl, kitsune, in public (mountain shrine), mythology based, lonely narrator, love confession, lore, invitation, tails (nine), lap sitting (her on you), straddling, tail play, kissing, wet noises, switchy vibes (in my humble opinion), and mutual orgasms

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: sweetheart, slut and whore

Body Parts Mentioned: thigh, fingers, hands, and hips

I told you I was going to get her done! I don't know why the kitsune took me so long to come up with an idea. Once I got the ball rolling, I enjoyed it. It was also really fun researching kitsune and seeing where the myths started to modern interpretations. I was thinking of doing a sequel to this where you find out this whole time it was a trick and she just wanted you to be her romantic partner and set it up or something like that. Haven't gotten all the details worked out but if you guys would like a sequel where it turns out she isn't as wholesome as she appears, lemme know! I hope this is a great start to the week, and I'll see y'all tomorrow! xX Lofn



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