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I'm doing this week's poll before I post the poll winner for the week. Why? I was in such a creative fog yesterday. I couldn't think of anything for the kitsune for some reason. And when I did, it didn't sound right. No matter what I wrote yesterday, I didn't like it. It didn't feel up to par for y'all. So, instead of forcing it, I figured it was my brain's way of saying it needed a creativity break and I took it. Today, it took me all day, but I got it! I have just finished the script for the kitsune and I'm gonna record it now which means (late) post probably. So, in the mean time, I figured a poll would be fun! 

So what is the poll this week? I want you to pick a starter to inspire the entire piece

P.S. sneak peak at the script for those that are curious! You might see my marker there in a few minutes when I've finished setting up to record



So many options... 😳😵

Apple Rancher

(Probably not going to win this week but) the safeword audios always pull double duty being amazing and educational