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Storyline: For the past few months, you have been visiting a shrine to the goddess Inari. At said shrine, there is a lone kitsune tasked with taking care of the shrine. You've always meant to ask why she was alone but figured it was none of your business'. After a detour causing you to arrive later then normal, the kitsune seems to be getting talkative towards you. She normally is pretty quiet, maybe you should listen...

Included: Monster girl, kitsune, in public (mountain shrine), mythology based, lonely narrator, love confession, lore, invitation, and tails (nine)

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: sweetheart

I'm trying to work up the courage to respond to messages. I have convinced myself that tonight is the tonight. I'm going to do it. I'm also going to try to record a little something but today has been really emotionally draining from my mom's anxiety attack and having to go over there to my sibling's job giving them grief over their gender identity. It's just been a day. I still want to create a little something since I love it so much and I love y'all so much. xX Lofn



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