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Thanks John C!




Ilsuk Yang

So, Geoffrey Chaucer is the author of the Canterbury Tales. His actor, Paul Bettany, is actually Jarvis (Tony Stark's first AI) and Vision (the android introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron) in the MCU. It's been so long since I've seen this movie (apparently 22 years ago; where does the time go 🤣🤣🤣) so I completely forgot that Alan Tudyk is in this movie (he's the pilot in Firefly). The Prince is played by James Purefoy. Fun movie, but not one I've really thought about since the first time I watched it. Still can't believe it's 22 years old, but I also can, because, well, you've seen the movie now, so, you know ;) Anyways, glad you enjoyed it!


Great movie. Tragedy and then so much ironic humor. Heath Ledger was such a talented actor, sadly gone so young. I watch any/every movie he’s done!

John buchanan

Oh a knights tale. Another one of those movies I never seek out, but if it’s on I never click away.

John buchanan

You also forgot that Roland is king Robert Baratheon on game of thrones. Also Alan tudyk is and always will be steve the pirate lol

Nicky Bomberry

This was the first dvd I ever bought lol


I’ve watched this movie at least five times before and somehow never saw that post-credits scene! Can’t hear Bowie’s Golden Years without picturing the dance scene. Russell Sewell sure gives good villain face. Heath Ledger was so full of vitality, it hard to believe he’s been gone so long. Loved your reaction!