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Thanks Alex!


Ilsuk Yang

How in the world did she get a $40 trade-in value for Mrs. Resnick? I got $200 when I traded in my first car to get my second car, and it was still serviceable, just really old 🤣. That's rough to hear about her husband :(_ At least she made a new friend, though :)


Thank you to whoever boosted this show. I hope it gets boosted again. I love the next few episodes.

DazzleFae (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 17:48:52 Hearing Penelope talk about her husband was heartbreaking. I love the way they did it. She started out saying about how he was a great guy and how they were totally in love and happy and all that, then said that he saw some horrible things and that it changed him and that it got to the point where it wasn't safe to have him around, and then the story of him saying he was gonna wrap the car around a tree. It just really highlights what war can do to people. And I love that despite the fact that she clearly still loves him, she left because she knew it wasn't a good relationship to stay in. She didn't stay with him because she loves him, or try to justify things with everything he went through. It was just an explanation. It just felt very real. And I'm glad she made a friend who gets it. Because up until now her only friend has been Schneider really, and he's great and all but he doesn't understand these issues the way other people who have been through it do. So it's good that she made a friend who gets it. And she recommended a group for Female Veterans! That's definitely a good idea! A place where she can talk about her struggles with others who understand it, hear other people's struggles and kinda see that she's not alone. It's great. I love this show. They really are great with these serious topics. And I love every single character so much! <333
2023-05-28 02:16:39 Hearing Penelope talk about her husband was heartbreaking. I love the way they did it. She started out saying about how he was a great guy and how they were totally in love and happy and all that, then said that he saw some horrible things and that it changed him and that it got to the point where it wasn't safe to have him around, and then the story of him saying he was gonna wrap the car around a tree. It just really highlights what war can do to people. And I love that despite the fact that she clearly still loves him, she left because she knew it wasn't a good relationship to stay in. She didn't stay with him because she loves him, or try to justify things with everything he went through. It was just an explanation. It just felt very real. And I'm glad she made a friend who gets it. Because up until now her only friend has been Schneider really, and he's great and all but he doesn't understand these issues the way other people who have been through it do. So it's good that she made a friend who gets it. And she recommended a group for Female Veterans! That's definitely a good idea! A place where she can talk about her struggles with others who understand it, hear other people's struggles and kinda see that she's not alone. It's great. I love this show. They really are great with these serious topics. And I love every single character so much! <333

Hearing Penelope talk about her husband was heartbreaking. I love the way they did it. She started out saying about how he was a great guy and how they were totally in love and happy and all that, then said that he saw some horrible things and that it changed him and that it got to the point where it wasn't safe to have him around, and then the story of him saying he was gonna wrap the car around a tree. It just really highlights what war can do to people. And I love that despite the fact that she clearly still loves him, she left because she knew it wasn't a good relationship to stay in. She didn't stay with him because she loves him, or try to justify things with everything he went through. It was just an explanation. It just felt very real. And I'm glad she made a friend who gets it. Because up until now her only friend has been Schneider really, and he's great and all but he doesn't understand these issues the way other people who have been through it do. So it's good that she made a friend who gets it. And she recommended a group for Female Veterans! That's definitely a good idea! A place where she can talk about her struggles with others who understand it, hear other people's struggles and kinda see that she's not alone. It's great. I love this show. They really are great with these serious topics. And I love every single character so much! <333