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Reminder to search for the may music thread to post your choices for this month ! Last day to submit is the 21st!


Travis Manning

Searched “may music” and it popped right up for me……

Siobhan Linehan

Hmmm... When I search "may music" all that comes up is this post here.

Travis Manning

Not sure how else to help ya. 29 other people have posted links and I tried it myself 3 times. You need to be on the main page not under any other playlists or anything.

Siobhan Linehan

I'm definitely searching from the main page. I've had another go but nothing is coming up for me at all. I thought you'd forgotten to post it for this month because I definitely haven't seen it. This isn't my day lol. I'll try to figure it out. It's clearly an issue with my Patreon.

Siobhan Linehan

Nope. I've had a good look, tried lots of different searches, checked on the app and on the browser, unistalled and reinstalled the app and logged out and logged back in again but nothing is coming up at all. I'm baffled. 🙈 Would it be ok for me to just share my May request on this post here?

Travis Manning

How are you searching on the app? I don't have a search bar on either android or iPhone. Someone else just posted a response to it. It was may 4th if you need to scroll. They really need to be in one place because that's how I follow it.

Siobhan Linehan

I'm on Android and have a search bar on the app. I just click on your channel and it's at the top. And I have scrolled down all the way through May and April but nothing. I have no idea why. But oh well, I guess I'll just miss out for this month and I'll join in the live stream as a spectator maybe. Thanks for your help and I'm sorry for being a pain tonight. I know you're busy.

Travis Manning

There’s a green picture that says “it’s gonna be may” - ya sure ur not just scrolling by because you didn’t read the title ?