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Great reaction! :-) If you are asking if Dalek Cann is the first one we saw in Season 1 with Rose? No that wasn't Dalek Cann..good thinking though :-) you do need that kind of Wibbily Wobbley Timey Whymie thinking when watching this show..lol

Ilsuk Yang

'Dah-lek, Dalek, Day-lek, Dahhh-lek!' It's become like a ritual for you to say that whenever there's an episode with the Daleks 🤣🤣🤣. I do love how the Daleks can be simultaneously hilarious and devious. Also, it's a good thing I'm not the Doctor because if I had to climb up that high, mankind is doomed! I would've fallen to my death too easily. I mean, I need some sort of protection to even think about going up that high. Maybe some sort of harness, enclosed ladder, something, anything really. Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying this Doctor-companion pairing!

Harley Beckett

Brilliant! This two parter is one I actually quite enjoy, though it's one nobody really talks about. So glad you're still enjoying the show! I'm looking forward to the next episode! x

Siobhan Linehan

Such a good two parter. Like Harley said, these episodes aren't talked about much and are really underrated in the fandom. But I like them a lot and I'm glad you did too. The Daleks really do always seem to find a way to escape lol, cheeky buggers. I love to hate them. And your Dalek impressions always crack me up. Especially your impression of the human Dalek's face tentacles. 😂😂 The next episode is a mixed one for me and the one after that is my personal weakest of the season. But then it really picks up with, what I think, is the best two part story from the entire show followed by many fans favourite episode of all time followed by the unique three part season finale which is EPIC and then another awesome Christmas special before moving on to season 4. So I'm excited. 😊

JIM SCHMITZ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-19 06:18:52 I don't remember ever seeing this pair, so glad to be catching up, thanks to Siobhan.
2023-05-19 06:18:52 I don't remember ever seeing this pair, so glad to be catching up, thanks to Siobhan.
2023-05-19 06:18:52 I don't remember ever seeing this pair, so glad to be catching up, thanks to Siobhan.
2023-05-19 01:26:54 I don't remember ever seeing this pair, so glad to be catching up, thanks to Siobhan.

I don't remember ever seeing this pair, so glad to be catching up, thanks to Siobhan.

Siobhan Linehan

I'm glad that me paying for this show is making other people happy and giving you the chance to rewatch from the start. I've already paid for season 4 as well and I intend to keep paying for every season. 🙂

Harley Beckett

The next two parter in the show is one of my faves, though again, very underrated. The final of the season is one I go back and watch SO much because it's just that good! Thank you so much for sponsoring these seasons! x

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah the finale of this season is beyond great. It's my third favourite season finale after season 9 and season 4. 👌 And you're welcome, I'm so glad to sponsor them and I'm happy that you're enjoying it. 😊