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Luke Nevill-Bond

Hey Travis, this reaction has not got the right episode title. The episode name for 2x08 is "P3 H20". 😊

Luke Nevill-Bond

Just checked and Rules of Engagement is the 2x08 title for the Charmed 2018 reboot version of the show. I never really made it past Season 1 of the reboot.

Amanda P

Phoebe always kinda pisses me off this episode with immediately blaming Sam for everything, I get where she's coming from but geez. This episode is so good and always makes me cry at the end. Also yeah prues work outfits are barely every business appropriate 😅 not that I'm complaining.

Staton Chapman

Omg I'm glad it wasn't just me that was pissed with how phoebe treated Sam. She just straight up blamed him without the facts

Kayce Daniels

I love this show I hope you keep doing these it gets so good