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Travis Manning

This episode proves we all won't like all the same things. Love it :)

Gemma Rivera

I think that Cory did his best in the falsetto that he could, but you could tell how much out of his range he was as he really had to strain to hit those notes. Glee would sometimes put singers out of their range with song selection, Dianna was another example as she has said in interviews that some of the songs they chose for her were above her comfortable range. Chris and Naya have amazing range. Having demonstrated that they can both sing high and low. More than a Woman shows off Naya's lower register and she sounds gorgeous on that number and she kills it in the higher range on Stayin Alive. And her solo was gorgeous as well and she looks fantastic in vintage dress. I also didn't like that they put so much pressure on the three to figure out so fast what they were going to do. But Cory, Amber, and Naya played it really well and it showed nicely what good support can do...although I still get annoyed that they had Brittany release their sex tape for so many reasons. I mean she had already accidentally outed Santana twice during the show along with Santana being very publicly outed during the campaigns and we saw how uncomfortable that made her. I feel like they could have taken that part out and had Brittany do the other stuff and still get her point across. I'm glad that they acknowledged that college wasn't her dream, but gave her the opportunity and space to figure out what that was. A very realistic option and probably the healthiest way to deal with not knowing exactly what direction to take


Unique has entered the building!!!

Emma Mellin

i love how amused you were by Finn’s high pitched singing 🤣🤣🤣 i giggled

Jennifer Tocalino

Mr. Shue just wanted them to find some sort of direction.

Annie Willow

Even though both parties were 18, releasing a sex tape without the other’s approval is definitely not ok and most likely illegal, BUT Brittany knows how to get through to Santana better than anyone else. She knew that she had to show her that becoming famous by any means necessary was absolutely not what Santana wanted. And yes, she did have to go to extreme measures to show her how ridiculous she was being. She knows that Santana has ambition but she also has such a good heart and Britt would do anything to keep her happy. I mean, Britt got her a whole ass full ride to college just so she can explore what she wants to do. I personally think she would make a kick ass defense attorney working alongside Brittany as a private investigator. And then they take breaks and go on tour with Mercedes as backup singers and dancers because these three are phenomenal together!


Brittany, Santana, and Mercedes were the best part of this episode. (And every episode tbh.)

David Guilmette

I think the best songs of this episode are Mercedes, Santana, and Unique. I LOVE that version of Boogie Shoes.


I always go back and forth with this episode. I do not like the message of having your life all planned out when you graduate high school. It is just not realistic. That being said I don’t see a problem with Schue wanting them to have some kind of plan for after they graduated. College is not for everyone and thats okay. I think this episode could have been handled better. I also think it was kind of out of nowhere that Finn wants to go to acting school. I don’t mind the falsetto bits. I don’t think Cory was completely comfortable but I also don’t think it sounds bad. This was a weird episode. I think Quinn is in the audience some of the time but yeah she is not really in this episode. This happens a lot in this show where a character just disappears for an entire episode for no reason. Well sometimes it was a contract thing. I think some of the ones that won the Glee Project could not be in tribute episodes or something weird like that. I am excited for the next episode.

Sebastian Whitaker

looooove Unique, Alex Newell (who plays her) is imo one of the top 3 singers to ever be on this show