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Ilsuk Yang

Hey, you dropped a Wednesday reaction on Wednesday! Very nice! Yeah, I won't tell you anything about the rest of Wednesday's investigation until you've completed the season (including who my top suspects were). Yeah, Enid's mom is, well, a lot (so is Bianca's, but for different reasons, lol). I love how we dig deeper into the characters and their parents in this episode. It makes sense why Bianca is the way that she is, and it completely makes sense why she would want to get away from her mother (I mean she co-heads a forkin' cult). Enid's mom reminds me of my own: well-meaning, but words and expectations that can cut you deeper than any blade (even if that's not what they intend). Her dad reminds me a bit of my own too (much more supportive, although my dad is a lot more vocal than Enid's, lol). This episode is also a nice break from Wednesday's investigation (I mean she does investigate her main case a little bit, but not really). We get to see more of the dynamic between Principal Weems (I love how her character is so different from Brienne of Tarth, lol) and Morticia, especially the jealousy that Weems feels (and hides poorly) and the oblivious indifference of Morticia (and yes, Zeta-Jones looks beautiful), lol. I eagerly await your reactions to the rest of the season!

Staton Chapman

That moment in the hospital with Eugene had me in tears. You can tell she really cares about him

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, while Wednesday's facial expressions might not reveal much, her actions and her dialogues/monologues shed a powerful light on how she's feeling. I believe it was the previous episode (it may have been the episode before that one) when she showed she cared for Enid when she proclaimed that she would do some sort of bodily harm to Ajax if he broke Enid's heart, or something to that extent. You can tell that she hides from her feelings as it did take a while for her to go see Eugene despite us seeing that she clearly wanted to earlier

Staton Chapman

Yes that was last episode and I think it took her so long to go see him bc she blamed herself

Ilsuk Yang

Yup. She likes to play things close to her chest, even from herself, lol

Cat King

Babe the looking at the camera with the sound of the music has me dying ☠️☠️ I wish I was more intimidating and less friendly. I love how intimidating these sirens are. I am only starting to notice how many of your outfits are Michigan related. I am LIVING for it 💓💜💙 Yes! That wicked witch mug! 🥰 Hocus pocus! Don't worry the end of this season ends in the perfect way 😁