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Nikita Hankinson

I was waiting for you to see the last part 😲 Love this show so much!! It gets crazy from here!!

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, I had the same reaction you did to that ending! I was like no they did not just do that! This was definitely a slow build episode, but I like episodes like these because they help you get into the mindset of the characters (especially Vanya). I get your reaction to how Vanya was reacting to all that news, but I also get why Vanya reacted that way too. Vanya's someone who has been suppressed in so many ways (emotionally, ability-wise, and constantly put down by her siblings). Finding out that most of her life was a lie and that the one person she looked up to the most was the one who forced her to live a lie, well, that would put anyone over the edge. And Vanya's not the most stable person to begin with. I was never a fan of Leonard/Harold either, but I get what Vanya sees in him. Yeah, he's a jerk to Vanya a lot, but he's also the only one who has put any faith in her at all, the only one who validates her. It's different with Allison, as she mostly feels sorry for Vanya, and doesn't trust Vanya to make her own decisions. Anyways, that's just my two cents on the episode. This episode isn't for everyone, but that ending was one crazy forking twist for sure!

Staton Chapman

I agree with you. I actually understand vanya very much so. She was outlasted her whole life basically.