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Tammy Miller

First of all, love your hair!!! This show is addicting!!! Your reaction did not disappoint!!!

Emma Mellin

i actually loved Burke in this episode, for once!

Marie Almeida

Did anyone warn you how this show’s patient storylines are just as traumatic as the main characters? This show is will rip your heart to bits at times. I cant wait to see your reaction to the rest of this season.

Sherry Sink

I love Izzy and Burke in this one, as they treat cooking Thanksgiving dinner like surgery, lol. "I need a spatula and some garlic, and a baster, stat." 😆 Each character had their own interesting issues, and even the patients were going through some shit. This is a rough one. I totally forgot that coma guy dies on the table... after being out for 16 years, it seems extra cruel for him to wake up and then die, just like that. Though I suppose he was probably feeling pretty lost already - what do you do with your life after you've been asleep for 16 years? So crazy. My favorite is still Bailey. Her messing with that visiting doctor who didn't want to even give her the time of day much less work with her... that was priceless. She had him doing crap work and running around, thinking he'd just missed the Nazi again. The look on his face when he heard the Chief call her the Nazi... HILARIOUS. (And he deserved it.) I heart Bailey. 😊

Cat King

When Cristina shares surgery information that is the personal information to her.