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Tammy Miller

Alot going on in this episode! Put marbles in there!!! LMAO!!!

Christine Evans

I'm late catching up on these, but omg I hated that husband too! I'm glad he came back at the end, but he was so horrible through the episode. It seemed like everyone was against Sav when she was just trying to save her life. Kinda messed up

Brandon Lee

I can see both sides to the story, on one hand I get that Sav wants to prevent it all from happening and potentially have a longer life, but I also get the frustration from the husband... because the surgeries she's getting yes, they are preventative, but what she's doing to herself prevents them from ever having children (a family) and potentially a sex life, because of the organs and stuff that they are removing her sex drive will be lower significantly lower... also they have to get breast implants in order for him to ever have the sensation of boobs again.. for most men.. the main reasons they get into relationships are A) sex B) family... both of which Sav took away from him as options... with what seems like... no consultation, no conversation.. it was all her decision and he had no input.. that's where the frustration would've been for me.. the fact that you didn't even talk to me about the decision before making it... I get it, it's your body... but I'm married to you, and if the husband makes more money than her... he can't really divorce her either because she would take half of everything he owns...


So glad you’re reacting to Grey’s!!

Sherry Sink

You were all, "He better show up for her surgery!" and I thought to myself, "He will," and then I couldn't remember how the episode ends so my mind went, "Oh shit... he doesn't show up, does he?!" I just couldn't remember, and I thought I was going to have to be pissed off at that character all over again. Thankfully, he showed up. :) Only Bailey can get away with calling her boss a moron. Lol!

Cat King

Omg that hello kitty band aid is iconic. I have totally taken the easy way and used that as my halloween costume 🤣 The double mastectomy is common, but a full hysterectomy is HUGE. That fucks up your body a whole lot. I mean, I get that there is a big chance of cancer. But I just hope she understands the hormonal repurcussions of that surgery. That has always been my issue with this episode. The guy is an asshole for making it about a baby. The real issue is the hormonal changes she will have to endure for the rest of her life. I know because my grandmother went through this and it's the only reason I haven't pushed to have one since I know I don't want biological kids. Both Addison and Derek have amazing hair. So if the husband is her power of attorney, which when people get old, they often give their spouses. It gives him legal right to make health decisions for his wife. Power of attorney basically in legal terms means that you can act as the person in leu of the person when they are not there. But it means that you trust them to make health decisions in your best interest. But based on this episode I'm guessing he doesn't have power of attorney. There are some pretty common ways to tell if people have marfan's, and people who have it generally know from early childhood. So I'm going to go ahead and guess you don't have it. hit the nail on the head. Chandra's pregnancy was written into the show.


These are the highlights of my day. Keep them coming. ❤️