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okay so i'm going to put my two sense in on this episode in particular with the Rachel vs Mercades rant... To me Rachel is a character who was brought up selfishly (i.e. the only child syndrome) and "spoiled" in the arts (her exact words from season one. And this fact alone gave her an edge, which to outsiders made her seem bossy because of her determination to get every single role or lead in everything. Now with Mercades she's a bit different her idols are pop singers so her singing style is on the popier side. (Nothing wrong with this its just a different singing style compared to Rachel's more broadway tone). But back to what I was saying about Rachel... she has always been a character i've both loved and hated throughout the whole show of glee for many reasons but what I love about rachel is that she always stands up for what she believes in (it might not be the right thing at that exact moment but she stands up and goes for it) i.e. a few examples like when she sent sunshine to the crack house (not a good thing AT all but she still went through with it... but later goes to make up for it by helping sunshine out with her stage fright). So, to go back to this episode in particular Rachel does the wrong thing I.e. runs for president AFTER she believes she won't get the part of MARIA in the school musical out of Fear. But she doesn't drop out when she DOES get the part in the musical Which on her part wasn't the best friend move at all... And to Mercade's points I do see where she's coming from she's becoming more vocal about what she wants and grabbing it no holds bar... BUT I believe she's going about it the wrong way.. she has a slight aditude concerning Rachel's treatment by everyone around them... She wants them to see her they way she sees herself now (as a leading lady) but gets upset when they call the lead role back and ultimately the role goes to Rachel in the end by defalt... So both characters have their strengths and weaknesses that shine throughout this episode.. for the most part I love both characters Mercades more so than Rachel... I love Rachel's voice (lea's) and I love Mercades voice as well (Amber) but really this episode has a lot wrong with it friendship wise... and family wise concerning Mike's Family... luckily I never had to deal with this type of family dynamic growing up my mother put a stop to my father (who is korean) from EVER doing that with me (setting SUPER high standards I might have not risen to) But I love the mom in this episode! ..... okay rant over


I love Rachel and I love Mercedes. They are both amazing singers. They have different styles singing wise, so imo it is not really fair to compare the two (when it comes to the singing) We all have our preferences when it comes to styles of music etc. Character wise I also love them both. Rachel can be selfish yes, but the most selfish people are also the people who are the most insecure usually. Mercedes is also selfish. So saying she is not selfish is wrong. Honestly most characters in Glee are selfish. So don't put all of it on Rachel.

Alex Sivori

Kurts "What!?" In the dreamgirls song is my favorite 😂😭

Lina Distadio

As a Black woman, Cat King, I concur. And thank you for saying it because I often feel like those things need to be expressed but I feel uncomfortable doing so. Commenting that something might come from a place of racial biases is not the same as calling somebody a racist and I think that people take being told to examine their personal racial biases too much to heart. So just thank you for speaking up.


i know this is an old reaction but if you see this you should listen to Jesse McCartney's cover of Fix you on the masked singer, only version of this song other than this one that actually makes me cry everytime

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Asian F is a real thing (we don't call it that, though, actually, we don't call it anything). I remember when our elementary school teachers started to give us actual grades and I brought home an A- on my math exam with a huge smile on my face only for my mom to say, "What's this? This isn't an A!" That smile left my face real quick. I kind of had an opposite relationship with my parents than Mike Chang had with his parents (my mom was like Mike Chang's dad, and my dad was more supportive of my interests and dreams like Mike's mom, but not THAT supportive). It took a while for my parents to realize that I would get a LOT more Asian F's (and worse) throughout the years. I know they love me. I know they care. But, seeing this episode brings back some painful memories. I'm glad that Mike stuck with his passion, and I'm glad that his mom supported him. The good thing is that Asian American families have been loosening up over time, and I hope that they continue to do so

Travis Manning

I feel like most portrayals of the Asian American family dynamic that I have seen actually goes along with yours. That’s why I was shocked to see mom so supportive!

Heather Anne

I love this episode. The extra funny bit watching this back, Harry Shum Jr. is on Grey's Anatomy now. You're a lot of seasons from that and I won't give away anything about his story there, but I had a good giggle.

Ilsuk Yang

There's definitely a lot of factors that go into it. I find that Asian American parents that were born in the US (especially if their family has lived here for generations) to be much more lenient than ones that were immigrants (like mine). I also got a bit of a double dose since my dad is a pastor. Korean-American families with a pastor at their head are held to an even higher standard, which I definitely never reached. My parents did mellow with time, though. I also find it funny that Asian immigrant parents almost never want their kids to have a career in the arts/entertainment since they're the ones that tell us to do all these extracurricular activities, lol. I mean, that's half the reason a lot of us want to have a career like that, rofl

Staton Chapman

Oh Rachel most definitely only cares about Rachel.i despise her character even if she's talented. I've said this since first episode lol

Gemma Rivera

Yes, this is a favorite episode of mine because they actually brought Mike to the forefront (Finally! He's my favorite male character on this show...Santana is my favorite female). As a first generation Asian American the pressure and control of parents is real. My mom is a typical Asian Tiger Helicopter Mom (I jokingly call her Smother). I had a choice of being a doctor, lawyer, accountant or nurse. I even went so far as to go to medical school for 2 years, but then ended up quitting because it was really the wrong fit for me. I ended up becoming a therapist instead which was a whole other issue to tackle. Harry Shum Jr is just one of the most talented people in the world and I am mad at the glee producers for keeping his true talents under wraps. He's killing it now though and I always believed that he and Naya would have the longest and most versatile careers after glee. The songs in this ep are fire and they actually fit pretty well with the storyline. I can't wait for you to continue the season. Knowing who my favorites are, you'll see why.

Heather Anne

Harry was my favorite when the show aired and I got mocked a lot for it. I've had some dances of being right as he, Amber, and Alex Newell got the biggest career boosts off Glee after Darren (big winner there). The rest mostly did what they were doing before plus a bit or not. Obviously Naya is an exception given the tragedy of her loss, and I adored her too. It's not wrong to go look up a few things she did after (she was really good in the soapy maid thing that didn't deserve her). She was so talented.

Gemma Rivera

Harry was the only one I really knew before glee (other than Jane Lynch). I first saw him in You Got Served and Step Up 2 and have followed his career ever since. He was also the model for the Ipod silhouette back in the day! So happy to see how his career is continuing to develop and that he will be steadily working for sometime and not just as a dancer. Naya was so talented and versatile and Amber recently said on her instagram that the world only got to see a fraction of her talent. She took a break when Josey was born, but was working her way back up and would have no doubt accomplished so many things. We were definitely robbed! I didn't even know that she was a talented director too. Here's a link to her short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Euy8D9h4ak


as soon as the Asian F thing came up, i was "ooh, i have to ask Ilsuk if this is an actual thing" LOL. nevermind, i dont have to ask now haha!!

Ilsuk Yang

It actually goes further than I said, lol. For one thing, many Korean Americans my age went to something called Ha-Gwon, which is basically school after your normal school is finished for the day. Many of us went to Ha-Gwon after school every day (the really hardcore parents would send their kids on Saturday, too) and many times during the summer. My siblings and I didn't go because our family couldn't afford it, so my mom did "Ha-Gwon at home" instead. She would make us do these workbooks from various subjects that were more advanced than what we were learning in school. Then, during the summer, we would often have summer school at our church (which we didn't have to pay for since my dad was a pastor there). We were also required to learn at least one instrument (which kind of backfired on my parents because I learned many instruments from the time I was in elementary school to high school, lol). We also earned our allowance in interesting ways. We would get the most for getting A's on our report cards (nothing for A- and under). The next biggest amount came from reading an entire book (at least 200 pages). And then various small amounts for doing chores around the house. We were also "required" to not only attend church every Sunday, but also to attend all Youth Group meetings and other miscellaneous church events. And we weren't even close to the most strict Korean American family I knew (thank God my dad was so chill)!

Ally D.

I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion, but I love Rachel as a character. In all of her flawed mess. Yes, she can be selfish, and conceited, and annoying a lot of the time. But she also has amazing moments that everyone forgets, and she is just misunderstood. I used to hate Rachel when I first watched the show. But after rewatching it so many times, my opinion has changed. I think a lot of her actions come from the fear of rejection, due to all of her bullying. She was bullied WAY MORE than any of the other kids at that school (besides maybe Kurt with Karofsky). She was verbally assaulted and got slushies thrown on her before the glee club even started. She was also cyberbulllied too. That means that peoplewere just picking on her because they thought she was weird. When the show starts, her bullying wasn’t even about her awful personality, because nobody in the glee club even knew who Rachel was, so how could it have been? It was just about her looks, maybe her dads being gay, her being an overachiever/teachers pet type of student, maybe for being Jewish, and weird, etc. I think Rachel just acts impulsively and ends up hurting you before you can hurt her back. It’s the same exact thing that Santana does, but since Santana is funny, we let her get away with anything she says. Quinn was a bully in Season 1 to Rachel, but she was popular, and didn’t steal solos, so nobody cared. Honestly if I had to deal with the amount of bullying Rachel had in season 1, I would have for sure tried to kill myself. She was bullied by every single person at school, including by some of the unpopular kids in the glee club too. And she started the glee club. She literally was a member before mr. schue was involved. There are like 50 instances I can name of times when other glee club members wanted to quit, where Rachel talks to them and brings them back. She did it like 5 times with Quinn, when she was pregnant (she did it again literally 2 episodes ago), multiple with Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, etc. Rachel is glue that holds the club together. I agree, Mercedes has more soul to her voice, and is just as good of a singer than Rachel, if not better. But Rachel comes up with millions of ideas for group numbers, rehearses dance outside of glee club, etc. she puts in an enormous amount of effort and I think she should be given an opportunity to sing and “be the star”, because she does want it the most. I am not saying Rachel is a good person or that she even makes good decisions. I find her extremely irritating, but I think that’s why I find her character so interesting. People are so quick to jump on the Rachel hate train, but I think she has a good reasoning for being the way she is.

Travis Manning

Oh I don’t hate her I just think she gets too many solos without anyone else even being considered lol

Ally D.

I don’t mean you, just over the years in the glee fandom, and especially in comment sections every talks about hating her. No I definitely agree. She gets way too many solos. I wish Santana and Tina got way more. Both of them have super strong voices and they are very rarely spotlighted. I mean I guess it makes the moments they are given a chance to shine that much more special but it’s still unfortunate

Staton Chapman

Most the time when she does something good for someone it's after she's already been called out for being selfish

Gemma Rivera

Heather, since you're a big Harry fan like me, have you seen him in the young storytellers foundation videos on youtube? He was also a master of comedy (is there anything he can't do?)

Capri Zonica

Rachel hate train? When you have 90% of reviewers/critics/audience getting annoyed by Rachel is not a "trend train" but a logical assesment.

Siobhan Linehan

I had to step away for a bit after watching this episode so I didn't get post something I'd regret here lol. I try to always remember that everyone has their own opinions and that's fine. But, as you well know by now, I love Rachel. So hearing you call her "f*cking selfish" and tear her apart during this watch party did upset me. And many of the comments here agreeing with you also upsets me. I've watched this show 20+ times and I really think Rachel is misunderstood. Does she make mistakes? Yes. Does she let her ego control her judgement sometimes? Yes. But she ALWAYS does the right thing in the end. Every single time she acts in an egotistical way she fixes it and that shows she has a good heart. Not only does she have, imo, the best voice of anyone. But she's one of the kindest characters. I fully believe that. Also in this episode I couldn't stand Mercedes' attitude. I understand that she's frustrated with not getting the solos and that she really wanted the part for herself, but the offer of sharing the role with Rachel was fair. They were just as good as each other in that audition, you said yourself you couldn't have picked between them. But instead of taking the offer and having the lead role she wanted, she threw a tantrum, she stormed out and she quit Glee club betraying all of them to go to the rival choir. You say Rachel's selfish but how is Mercedes not selfish? Rachel was more than happy to share the role, she said "it'll be an honour sharing the spotlight with you". Mercedes was the one acting badly there. It was wrong for Rachel to run for school president, I'll give you that, but she sorts that out too. She's a good person and she's my favourite character and I'll always stand up for her. I hope you're ok with that lol. 😂 I truly do respect your opinion, but I just need to share mine too. 🙂

Travis Manning

Rachel thinks of Rachel first and foremost 99% of the time based on what I’ve seen. Is Rachel talented? Sure. Do I connect with her as a singer as much as Mercedes ? Absolutely not. I am watching these shows for the first time and reacting in the moment. I haven’t had a decade to sit and over analyze and marinate on it. Currently though - I still think Rachel is selfish.

Siobhan Linehan

I'm sad you feel that way. I hope your mind will change over time. But while I strongly disagree I respect your opinion and you feel the way that you feel. 👍

Travis Manning

Yeah I mean … just because I like a character or think they’re hot doesn’t mean I always condone their behavior … kinda like you with Rachel , right? No one is better than the next or should be treated as untouchable lol

Cat King

Okay, so here is the thing. I think you need to examine the reasons you love Rachel so much. I mean when I first watched Glee, I will not lie to you I enjoyed the character of Rachel at the beginning, but as the series progressed, I realised that my enjoyment of her character diverged from liking her to enjoying the fact that I was no longer acting like her. I think that after reading this comment that I might understand a few things better (or maybe not) and if I have misunderstood that I apologise in advance. But I am just going to go through a few things you wrote in your comment and maybe you might see them in a different light when told through a different perspective. Unfortunately, Rachel can be Selfish. The proof that she is in your own comment when you say later “Every single time she acts in an egotistical way she fixes it and that show she has a good heart.” My counterpoint to your argument is that if she TRULY had a good heart she would not have acted in an egotistical way, and she would not have needed to fix the issue. The egotistical problems ARE the issue people are having with Rachel. We are indeed seeing that she is trying to fix them. But This is very similar to the cycle of abuse. The abuser hurts people (emotionally or physically) and then afterwards they ARE indeed sorry. And DO indeed WANT to make amends for the problems they have caused. I am NOT implying that Rachel is an abuser but just that it is SIMILAR to the same cycle. That she is not learning from her mistakes and continuing to make the same egotistical mistakes and so therefore it nullifies the apology and amends. The next point you make is that she has the best singing voice. In your profile photo, you appear to be a white female, so you have been conditioned to believe that white women have great singing voices, also Hollywood has empowered you with this by always promoting white women on screen, and in the charts. Yes, women of colour do get some opportunities in the music industry, but not nearly as many. It is a known fact they have to work much harder for those opportunities. Rounding out your last bit, short and sweet here. You are upset with Mercedes, and Santana but you will give Quinn a pass? One of these things is not like the other… I think you maybe need to dig deeper into why some people’s behaviour bothers you and others do not before you go blasting it out in a comment.

Siobhan Linehan

I hope you see this Cat King because Patreon won't let me reply to people directly for some reason. But I think your reply to me is COMPLETELY inappropriate and unfair. How DARE YOU suggest that my opinions are racially motivated?! I am not in any way a racist! I do not think Rachel is the best singer because Mercedes is black! I have called out Quinn on her awful behaviour on many occasions and in fact I can't stand Quinn! Rachel is NOT a bad person, she is NOT a selfish person and she does NOT have the same cycles as an abuser. Rachel saved my life if I'm being completely honest, I won't go in to details but she helped me in way you could never understand. I will always respect other opinions and respect that some people don't like her, but I will always defend her when people are insulting her, especially in the way that you are. And I really think you're the one who needs to "dig deeper" in to why your immediate reaction to someone thinking Rachel is the best singer is about race. Because race has NOTHING to do with it. Lea has an INCREDIBLE voice, as proved on many occasions and backed up by every vocal coach I've seen react to her on YouTube. I love Mercedes voice too but I find her voice a bit too harsh for me. But that's all it is, personal taste. It has absolutely nothing to do with race what so ever. So just don't EVER say that to me again. Thanks.

Cat King

Okay, I think you took my comments to heart, and a bit too personally, because if you read back to the beginning of my comment you will see that I said if I have misunderstood that I apologised in advance. But seeing the comment and some other comments that you have made on glee posts (without knowing you in person) this was the conclusion I came to. And I am not saying you are actively racist, but rather that we all have unconscious biases that we have to look out for. These are separate issues. Even I am always having to check myself for my unconscious biases. I did not say that Rachel is a bad person, but we see her do many things that are self-serving, egotistical, and selfish. Doing something selfish does not make you an overall selfish person. But getting stuck in a cycle where you consistently do selfish things does create a problem. I am glad that the character saved your life. I will never begrudge someone like this. It takes all sorts of characters for all sorts of people. I do not need to understand how a character saved your life, and I can understand how that bonded you to a character. But something you maybe do not understand is that most if not all characters on TV are written as Flawed characters. There is not a single character on Glee that isn’t written with more flaws than not because it allows the writers to write redemption arcs. It makes characters “more interesting’. Truly good characters are rarely interesting for TV. So, if Rachel were this amazing human being like you were claiming she was, she would be the most boring character to write for, and the most boring character to watch. The fact that she is a divisive character proves that she is a morally grey character which is exactly how they wrote her. Once again, I will just turn your attention to your own writing because I don’t think you understand how it sounds to everyone else. You wrote and I quote “Mercedes's voice is a bit too harsh” and you based that on personal taste. I will make no opinion on that, just wanted to point that out.

Siobhan Linehan

Cat, I'm done. I unfortunately can't block anyone on Patreon but I won't discuss this any further because I feel very angry and hurt. Have a nice New Year's Eve and let's just leave it at that. 👍


I think Ally has a point - yes, Rachel is irritating. Yes, Rachel is annoying. Yes, she can be really awful to the other characters and of course we - as the audience - would love a lot more solos from the other singers that we love. But, within the context of the show, it does make sense that Rachel gets the most solos and not just because she's technically the main character. She - by far - puts the most effort into Glee and into her performances. Rachel has no life outside of music, she is 100% dedicated to it and thus she does somewhat "deserve" it in my honest opinion. Of course there are other amazing voices, but Mr Shue is not wrong when he says that Mercedes is lazy (although I don't like what the word implies). In comparison to Rachel, she relies a lot more on pure talent than on hard work - which is fine, honestly, when you've got pipes like that. But she shouldn't accuse Shue of just "handing" solos to Rachel when she herself is rarely ever shown to actually put in the work. When she does apply herself, she completely rocks the house to the point where even Rachel admits that Mercedes is incredibly good. In the end, I just feel like no matter how talented you are, you can't expect to reap the same rewards as someone who is 100% dedicated if you yourself aren't. That's the truth in competitive arts the same as it is in sports.

Travis Manning

Rachel ALWAYS thinks it’s automatically hers though. Sometimes before anyone even says anything - Schue included lol