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Shoutout to John for this one!





Someone has excellent taste!!!! I adore this movie!!


Good luck ever getting “Thank You Very Much” out of your head 😛


I have seen this movie every single year for as long as I can remember - and I don’t remember it being particularly scary for me (that was reserved for another film). I know all the songs by heart.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Scrooge- Thank you so very much for your reaction for this beautiful rendition of one of my all time favorite Christmas classics, Travis!!!! I absolutely love Charles Dickens... for this classic novel and many of his other stories as well. What a phenomenal author! And this musical is my absolute favorite version of A Christmas Carol. I love everything about it. From the story, the acting, the music, singing and dancing, to the sets and costumes, and all of its wonderful characters. :) I absolutely love Albert Finney as Ebenezer Scrooge, and in many other roles as well. He portrays this stingy old miser perfectly. And he is so charismatic and just so wonderful. I just so love his overall story as the ghosts help him to find redemption so that his dark future isn't what awaits him when he dies. I absolutely love Scrooge's path to redemption. It's so beautiful, heartbreaking, emotional, and I have cried many, many times upon watching this movie. Also... The makeup and prosthetics used to make Albert Finney appear so much older than what he was back then are spectacular, especially for back in 1970. The actor playing the younger version of Scrooge shown in Christmas past, is Albert Finney as well. His younger self in the past during the Fezziwig Christmas party is how he really looked in 1970, so he wears lots of makeup and prosthetics in order to age him up for most of the movie, then hunches over to make himself appear as such an old man. It's brilliantly and beautifully done. I also love Sir Alec Guinness in the role of Jacob Marley throughout this movie. You might not have recognized him, from both his name in the credits or by his face... But Sir Alec Guinness also plays Obi Wan Kenobi within the original Star Wars Trilogy, which is fantastic! I love him as Obi Wan Kenobi, and I really love him as Jacob Marley here in Scrooge as well. I love his dry humor and his charm that he brings to this role. I also absolutely love his movements while in this role, as he moves to make himself appear as an ethereal spirit. And I love that we see Jacob Marley again in the end of the movie when Scrooge finds himself trapped down in Hell. Jacob Marley isn't ever brought back again in the ending after his main role of the story... to warn Scrooge of the three ghosts coming to offer him his one chance at redemption, in any other version of this movie, book, or play. So, I really love that we get to see more of Jacob Marley, when he comes as Scrooge's only friend in the end to welcome him into Hell, to offer one final warning to Scrooge. That he must change for the better if he has any hope of avoiding this dark fate awaiting him should he ignore these warnings. I just love him. Scrooge's nephew, Fred, played by actor... Michael Medwin, is fantastic too. I love his character, and love seeing just how he really does care about his uncle whom he believes there is still good in him trying so hard to come out. I love seeing Scrooge apologize to him and his wife in the end for being such a fool, and I love that Fred and his wife are so happy to invite him to Christmas dinner so he can be with his family at last. And I love the Christmas party Fred and his wife throw for all of their friends, and the game they play together... The Minister's Cat. Sounds like such a fun game!! And I love the moment in the end when Scrooge happily tells Jacob Marley through the knocker on his door that he has to leave him now, because he's going to have Christmas with his family. It's just so beautiful, and my heart swells every time I hear these words spoken by Scrooge, and seeing just how happy and emotional he becomes upon knowing he at last has a family to be with. So wonderful!! :) And then... I love, love, love David Collings in the role of Bob Cratchit, who is one of my overall favorite characters in any version of A Christmas Carol. David Collings plays Bob so beautifully. He just brings so much life and joy in his character, and I love every moment with him onscreen. I deeply love his love for his children and his wife, and how he speaks with them all throughout this movie. Bob Cratchit is most definitely a loving and kind hearted man. I love his love for Christmas. Also... I especially love his song he sings in the beginning of this movie... Christmas Children. So beautiful, and he has an amazing singing voice. Tiny Tim of course is adorable. He always is in any film adaptation, but within this movie in particular. And his story is just so very sad, but I love his attitude towards life and his family. And I love how he speaks... "God bless us, everyone." In regards to his health and what causes him to die as is shown in Christmas future... It's actually never mentioned, not even in Dicken's original novel he wrote. However, over the years, there have been a number of speculations as to what might have caused his death, as well as what causes him to become crippled. Rickets is the number one theory for what Tiny Tim might have. Rickets is a condition that results in weak or soft bones in children. Symptoms include bowed legs, stunted growth, bone pain, large forehead, and trouble sleeping. Complications may include bone fractures, muscle spasms, an abnormally curved spine, or intellectual disability. If left untreated, it could cause eventual death. And since back then in the late 1800s, treatment was extremely expensive. And because the Cratchits were incredibly poor, Tiny Tim sadly went untreated, until Scrooge offers to pay for all treatments to help get him well. Because they could not afford the treatments. Fezziwig and his wife are wonderful, and I love their daughter, Isabel as well. I love their Christmas party as well, and seeing the beautiful dancing throughout this scene and musical number. The Fezziwig Christmas party is always such a fun scene to watch. Within this movie and all others. And it's a time back when Scrooge was still happy and content in spite of being poor. Just as Isabel tells him he had been. The scene where Isabel breaks up with Ebenezer is so sad, but most certainly understandable upon seeing just how greedy and cold Ebenezer has grown over the years. I feel so badly for Scrooge, but more so for Isabel. And it's sad that we never see her again come the end of the movie. However, I've since learned that it's mentioned in another older film adaptation of A Christmas Carol, that her character finds love again and comes to have the family she always wanted to have with Ebenezer. A new husband and children with whom she comes to be happy with. And I suspect this would be so for her character in any story or film adaptation. So, I am happy for her. And of course... I absolutely love, love, love, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come throughout this beautiful film. I especially love the Ghost of Christmas Present played by Kenneth Moore. Once again... He brings so much joy into this role and he's a lot of fun to watch. As are the other two ghosts as well. As for the songs sung throughout this movie... I really love them all so much and I can't help but sing along with them every time I watch this movie. However, the few that really stand out to me more than the rest... Christmas Children sung by Bob Cratchit, December the 25th sung by the Fezziwigs and ensemble, Happiness sung by Scrooge's love, Isabel who is played by Suzanne Neve, I like Life sung by the Ghost of Christmas Present and Scrooge, Thank You Very Much sung by Tom Jenkins, the Soup Man played by Anton Rodgers, the whole ensemble, and Scrooge, and then I love the end medley of a number of the songs throughout this movie combined and sung by the entire cast of this movie. These songs are all beautiful, fun, and so joyful. I can't help but sing along throughout the entire movie. And this ending most definitely continues to make me cry every time I watch this beautiful movie. Scrooge's redemption, and the joy he shows just for being alive and having a chance to start his life anew as a kind man is so pure and incredible. I absolutely love this ending. :) In regards to Scrooge coming to recognize whether or not Tom Jenkins and the rest of the townsfolk were singing Thank You Very Much upon his death in the end as he's singing and dancing in front of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come... I do feel that upon discovering he has died in the future when he sees his tombstone and grave, that Scrooge does come to realize the people had been singing about his death. It's never spoken or even implied whether or not I am right to feel this way, but Scrooge knows he wasn't a good man before he changed in the ending. He knows that no one liked him, and knows that he never would have done anything to make everyone so happy and grateful to him. So, I truly do feel that he did come to recognize everyone was so happy because he was finally gone, and they were no longer indebted to him. Besides... it is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come's task to warn him what would have come of him if he fails to change for the better. The Ghost showing him a happy moment that comes because of him, wouldn't be a warning, and I suspect Scrooge had to have understood that. Thank you again, so much, Travis! I am truly grateful for your reaction for one of my favorite Christmas movies, if not my all time favorite Christmas movie. I really had so much fun watching Scrooge again with you. I am so happy that you truly loved watching this movie too. And now... I cannot wait for many more movie reactions from you to come!! So, until January for my next movie request for you to enjoy as well, my dear friend... Thank you very, very, very much!! :) Sincerely, Heidi


An enjoyable romp, for sure. I do get something in my eye at the end of this film every time, peculiarly. Must be an allergy. Some of the musical numbers put me in mind of another Dickens adaptation: "Oliver". Ever seen it? Well, TYVM to John, as they say.


My favorite Christmas Carol....next to The Muppet Christmas Carol :)

Celia Fox

Great fun! One of my favourite versions. I think it was a film first (not sure) but I have seen stage versions since so I think the script must be available for Shows.


i've seen A Christmas Carol (1951), which is the same story, but, not in musical form. that one is great as well! this Scrooge looked like Norm MacDonald to me lol