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David A Flory

I really love Blaine (Darren Criss).... He's a modern-day version of that old Hollywood glamour of the 1940's, 50's and 60's. Think Fred Astaire and Gene Kelley... who along with the likes of Judy Garland, Elizabeth Taylor and countless others, were the 'STARS' that made Hollywood truly shine, and made theatre and the movies glamorous. With his suave demeanor, classic slicked-back hair, cardigan's, cuffed khaki's and bowties, he would blend right into the set of a 1940's movie musical. He's timeless, as well as insanely talented!

Gemma Rivera

Much more dramatic than the last episode for sure, but still great. I'm glad that they are addressing the emotional turmoil (most likely post partum depression) that Quinn is experiencing and now having to really face. The auditions are starting to heat up and I like that things aren't so black and white about who should play the leads. The next episode is one of my favorites of the whole series

Ilsuk Yang

I completely forgot about Sugar (the girl who can't sing) for these first 2 episodes! She's hilarious! On a more serious note, though, that's how you get super-spoiled kids (don't baby your kids!). I always took Burt's speech to mean that Kurt is a unicorn, a being that is special and magical, just like his son, and if you take away your horn (who you are), you're taking away what makes you special. Essentially, he's telling his son to embrace what makes him special and not to hide from it. Then again, that's just my interpretation of that scene. I'm sure there are thousands of interpretations of that scene that are just as correct (or even more correct). On to Quinn and the whole baby situation. Shelby did indeed legitimately adopt Quinn's daughter (not a spoiler). Quinn just really wants her baby back. That's all I'm going to say about that situation because everything from this point would be a spoiler (my lips are sealed). Oh yeah, the first time I watched this episode during it's original run, I was shocked to find out that Blaine was a junior at this point! I had always assumed that he was older than Kurt, not the other way around. But, yeah, it is what it is


I LOVE Sugar!! so funny. (she's also Canadian irl lol)


Right?? Quinn looks so hot with the new look, idk why everyone acted like she looked horrible or something XD and no you're 100% right about needing to fit/act a part, Glee very often acts like it's just about being the "best" singer rather than the best suited for the role

Siobhan Linehan

Will's rant at Quinn in this episode is one of my favourite moments from the entire show. Quinn was going through a hard time, I totally get that, but that doesn't mean she should get away with being a horrible person. It was about time someone told her off. 👏 Will is far from perfect, but overall he's a great teacher.

leslie martin

i completely agree! i like that Will is finally getting more vocal about these "kids" being so childish! they're all almost 18 and he has all rights, bc he's their teacher and has helped them all so much, to give them a good lesson! i liked that he did it last ep with Santana and now with Quinn

leslie martin

i think it's so messed up from Shelby to come to McKinley!! she has her biological daughter there, that she previously scammed with Jesse in s1, then she has Quinn and Puck, the biological parents to her child there and finally Schue, her ex??? and finally all those people are part of the glee club, the club she's trying to compete with... it's so dumb and weird that she's back and i hate every storyline she's apart of this season..

Siobhan Linehan

WELL SAID!! I love Idina Menzel and her performances, she's a special talent. And I also totally understand why they wanted Shelby to coach the Trouble Tones, it does make sense for the story. But I hate that she didn't take any time to consider the negative impact her being back would have on Rachel, Quinn and Puck. Like surely she could've at least called/texted them before making the decision to return instead of blindsiding them. And yeah her storyline this season with Puck is just gross. Like she's literally getting with her daughter's ex boyfriend. 🤢