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I was about to make a similar comment, but you already said it all! I’ve never liked Sugar (is there anyone who do?) but I forgot that she claimed to have Autism and that just makes it even worse! I know this was 10 years ago or so but with all the misinformation being spread around social media by people who claim to have Autism (or any neurological or mental disorder really) just so they can be seen as cool or different or just act however they want because they think if you have a mental disorder you can act however you want without consequences. This just adds to all that and it makes me so incredibly frustrated. I’m obviously not talking about the people who do extensive research but don’t get diagnosed because they can’t afford it, that’s totally valid

Dorinda Schaper

I agree with you. Even though she said she was self diagnosed ie truly doesn't have aspergers ... it makes people who truly have that diagnosis look bad. They have enough to deal with. If she wants to act like b!tch then she should own it, not find a scapegoat for her bad behavior!

Nicole Sadler

Yay, this is my fav season! Looking forward to these reactions! :D

Monica Gomez

Let the Blaine revolution begin!!!! ❤️

Staton Chapman

Ooh happy early bday Travis

Jasmine Lambert

i'm still mad schue kicked santana out of the glee club i wish we could have seen her join in with you can't stop the beat, it was technically quinn that set the fire with her cigarette anyways... plus rachel didn't get kicked out for sending sunshine to a literal crackhouse mr schue definitely has favorites


Yeah but the cheerios poured gasoline all over it so they were planning it either way

Travis Manning

Get all the cheerios outta there ! Lol hi


I was thinking to myself “wow has he ever laughed this much?” 😂


The had a show over the summer called the Glee Project. It was a competition for a guest spot of season 3 of Glee and some of them were so awesome that Ryan wrote little guest spots for a few of the stand outs. That is where the NYADA girl came from and a few others you will meet later.

Heather Anne

I wish we'd seen more of Lindsay (the NYADA girl). So talented! Her career seems to be going well, so at least there's that.

Gemma Rivera

This was such a great episode. So many changes, but I think that it was such a strong start to the season. You'll find out that the writing is uneven and we are now really starting to see the Schue standard (which is worse than a double standard at times). I think that it was too harsh kicking Santana out for the fire and while they did prep it for the fire, they weren't the ones who ultimately set it on fire. I've always felt like Blaine and Santana had a secret friendship which is why she got the cheerios to help with his audition and why she stepped up to protect him when Finn wanted to blame him for the fire. Santana is such an amazing and layered character and Naya plays her to perfection.

Ilsuk Yang

Honestly, I completely forgot that Sam wasn't in this episode! It's amazing how much one can forget about something they've experienced

Annie Willow

I’m still mad at Sue for even making her choose any way. It all comes down to Sue.


You were joking about not knowing the source for "Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead", right?

Nicole Sadler

Lol! He probably got confused because Glee changed it into a sorta jazzy instrumental. I'm pretty sure he's seen The Wizard Of Oz (1939) lol!

David Guilmette

Sugar singing though…. LOL PS, who else wants to see a picture of Travis dressed as Edna Turnblad?

Ally D.

Omg I’m obsessed with Hairspray!! It’s a tie for my favorite musical along with Little Shop of Horrors and Spring Awakening

Liv Heskett

babe, have you never seen the wizard of oz? if not were gunna need a reaction stat lol


Oh, Sugar 😅 it's okay, I used to be pitchy, too, just gotta train up your ear, you have vocal strength just...no sense of pitch :P nothing a good vocal coach couldn't help refine! Well, maybe unless she's completely tone deaf lol. I still don't know how to feel about the whole "self diagnosed aspergers" running gag... I think it was meant to frame it as Sugar not having it but self diagnosing to use as an excuse for acting like that (which isn't really how autistic people act so it really is just an excuse to be mean). But it still feels kinda weird to watch. Autism diagnoses are pretty much being asked questions straight from the DSM, so a lot of autistics who can't afford diagnosis have to do their own research and self-diagnose. ESPECIALLY autistic girls/afabs, since most don't get recognized as such because autism was only researched based on young autistic amab boys. Personally, I'm lucky enough to have a psych who confirmed my suspicions, but for many, self-dx is valid and enough. Lots of room for error, of course, but not something to look down on inherently. Sugar, though... her dad has PLENTY of money to take her to get a diagnosis so it's probably just a bit that she just says she has it to avoid accountability. Just feels weird to watch though, I never know whether to laugh or roll my eyes at those jokes now XD

Siobhan Linehan

I'm really not a fan of season 3, controversial because it's many people's favourite season, but I don't feel it's written well overall. There are still some parts of it I love and some episodes I love. I especially love episode 8 and I think you will too. But I look forward to hearing your overall opinions on this season as it goes along. 🙂 As for this episode in particular, it is a strong start to the season. It definitely is funny, you're right. If I look past the really insulting and unacceptable stuff with Sugar saying she's autistic to get away with being an awful person, which imo is one of the worst things the show ever did, then I do like this episode. Especially the final number. I love Hairspray too, the version with Nikki Blonsky and Zac Efron is my favourite. And Lea's voice really sounds beautiful at the start. 👌 Also I have to disagree with the people here saying that Will was too harsh to kick Santana out. After everything the club has been through she still took Sue's side and organized the Cheerios into putting lighter fluid on the piano. Yes it was Quinn's cigarette that lit it, but the fire wouldn't have started without the lighter fluid. Santana needed to be shown that her behaviour wasn't acceptable. Everyone always seems to defend Santana but she's continually a bad person. She bullies everyone in the club in nearly every episode, she insults them, she even makes racist comments and she's just not a good person. I love her voice and I love Naya, but Santana I really can't stand. I'm sorry. 🤷

Mike Dispo

You do know that Sugar saying something offensive doesn't mean that the writers openly endorse that behavior right? It's portrayed in-show as annoying and in a negative light. It's not like they go, "Oh, Sugar. You know how you use a false diagnosis of a real disorder to masquerade your terrible attitude? We support that!". That's a thing actual people do.

Siobhan Linehan

I've never seen anyone use autism as a way to excuse awful behaviour when they don't have it. And if anyone did do that I'd be SO mad at them. My brother is autistic and he goes through hell because of it, I understand that the writers weren't endorsing the behaviour, totally get that. But I still don't think it's something they should've written. Sugar is funny enough without that. But this is just my personal opinion of course.