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Hello darlings!

9/26/23 EDIT: The large list of tags I loved are back and can be found under "collections"...apparently it was just a "bug" according to patreon (hmm)...but I am happy! You can disregard my rambles below 😆

I am getting ready to head out of town but I noticed that Patreon has removed the "TAGS" feature where you could just browse the tags that I spent a lot of time on when making posts (thanks Patreon 🙄)

When I first tried making "collections" it would only allow me to add a certain amount of posts, but now it seems I can tailor it a bit better and add up to 500.

Unfortunately, it will probably take me many hours to go through and make them all how I want them, so I will put that on the schedule for next week Smutty's work. Why they felt they had to remove the tags is beyond me (I've already made a grumpy tweet about it, and sent Patreon a message through their help section lamenting my frustrations...and will probably send more because I'm a squeaky wheel gets the oil kind of gal).

If you disagree with them removing tags, instead of just allowing them to exist alongside collections, please feel free to let them know, it is out of my hands.

I like the idea of collections, and will do my best to organize, but bear with me as it will take me some time, and they didn't make it simple for adding things to a collection.

Gosh darn jerks, takin' away my tags 😆 Mother-Fluffers.

Anyways, I'm gonna head off here in a bit to visit family, and will be unavailable for this weekend. Hope you all have a great one! More later, love you bye!




I do enjoy searching through your chaotic tas. I will never understand why they can't just have both (I can still see your tags) like if one works better for someone and the the collections work bei for others. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend and visit. Safe travels! 💕


It seems they are back under collections now! Huzzah! I will be checking with more people to see that they can see the giant list, but I'm placated, for now. 😆💕💕

Alan Yes

I'm so glad to see the giant list of tags! I get so lost and need help to find my way back to those wonderful places you take us!