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Hello darling Droid 0258.

Here is the same audio you heard in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/f4a-better-droid-89599623 (now with Sfx!) 

Summary: You are a human who has just awoken after  being placed in a stasis chamber for some indeterminate amount of time.  You wake up to a Droid speaking to you on a spaceship the S.S. Star  which is short for the Starship Smutty Starlighter. In this audio the  droid describes a sequence of events that is going to occur where you  will be injected with nanobots to become a perfect Droid. Merging your  human body with the droid talking to you, improving all aspects of you,  and taking away some of your human components to make you better. At the  end there is a "shut down" sequence in which I suggest that once you  wake up, you will be the perfect droid, and I will be on board within  you.

Tags: [SFX] [Binaurals] [Dronification] [Hypnosis] [Robot Merging]  [Nanobots] [Injected] [De-human] [Programming] [Space] [Better]  [Stronger] [Perfect] [Droid] [Reassuring] [Countdowns] [Count up]  [Binary] [Shut-down sequence] with [No wakener] and [Post hypnotic  suggestion] [Good Droid]

I am going to work on this audio for YouTube, but figured I'd put it up here without the intro I normally add to audios! Hope you enjoy!

Much love my darling, PERFECT, droid 0258.

-Smutty Droid 0258 🤖😏💖




Better, stronger, perfect. We are better. We are stronger. We are perfect. We are Perfect Droid 0258. Thank you for our enhanced programming. We serve Planet Smutty.


Mmm.. what delights await on planet Smutty...