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Hello Human. 

I hope you're doing well today, and find yourself well on the S.S. Star, headed towards Planet Smutty.

Summary: You are a human who has just awoken after being placed in a stasis chamber for some indeterminate amount of time. You wake up to a Droid speaking to you on a spaceship the S.S. Star which is short for the Starship Smutty Starlighter. In this audio the droid describes a sequence of events that is going to occur where you will be injected with nanobots to become a perfect Droid. Merging your human body with the droid talking to you, improving all aspects of you, and taking away some of your human components to make you better. At the end there is a "shut down" sequence in which I suggest that once you wake up, you will be the perfect droid, and I will be on board within you. 

Tags: [Dronification] [Hypnosis] [Robot Merging] [Nanobots] [Injected] [De-human] [Programming] [Space] [Better] [Stronger] [Perfect] [Droid] [Reassuring] [Countdowns] [Count up] [Binary] [Shut-down sequence] with [No wakener] and [Post hypnotic suggestion] [Good Droid] 

I really enjoyed this thought traveling to Planet Smutty as one. I hope that you enjoy this transformation into a prefect Droid/Drone for Planet Smutty. Thank you for being so complacent in your programming, human. 

-Smutty 🤖😏💕💻




Her first three Scifi books (debut 2013) were about an empire where, if they conquered you they would convert you into drones controlled by the `artificial consciousness` (minds) of their ships. The main character (ship/human-drone) liked to collect songs and make their drones sing - it was famous for it. The script for the audio seemed to fit almost perfectly :) The language of the empire (the Radch) on had one gender (female) so every character's pronoun is "she" even though there were both sexes. I loved the three books: Ancillary Justice, Ancillary Sword and Ancillary Mercy, but I've not had a chance to read her later work. After listening to your audio I'll have to go and get them - thank you for reminding me of her.


We Are droid 0258 better stronger,perfekt