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I am getting ready for a weekend out of town which will be fun. It can take a lot out of you to see family sometimes, but I'm lucky that mine is pretty cool. There have already been discussions about wacky breakfast things we are going to do, so you know I'm pumped! 

Hope you're doing well today. I'm feeling a bit more perky at the end of this week than I did at the beginning which is nice. I had a few days where I sort of lounged around, took some time, snuggled the pupper-dog a bit more (he was pleased). 

I am getting ready for a weekend out of town which will be fun. It can take a lot out of you to see family sometimes, but I'm lucky that mine is pretty cool. There have already been discussions about whacky breakfast things we are going to do, so you know I'm pumped! 

Hope you have such a good rest of your day, and I'll probably drop one more good morning tomorrow before I scoot out of town. 

Much love darling!

-Smutty 💖🤖




Oh dronification! Looking forward to that. So glad to hear your week has gotten better. Mind Demons are assholes for sure. You are fantastic and wonderful! I’m always amazed at the amount of stuff you get done and the speed you work at! Hope you also have a fantastic productive day with time for you to rest if you need it!


Ps it looks like Smutty Drone might need a reboot. She seems to be skipping and repeating herself in text lol. 😝❤️


Happy early 90th Birthday to your relative!! Its nice to hear that you get to see them after so long. Im soo happy with the new file! One of my favorite aspects of your other audios is obeying to robotically toned orders, so this new one was so up my alley. The simple "Hello Human" here was an especially cute surprise 🤭☺️ Watercoloring sounds relaxing! Maybe you could end up with some cool designs and show us in the discord! Or maybe make some cute stickers out of them? 👀 I hope you and Gozer have a swift appointment, and you have an amazing day. Thank you for working so hard, we are so appreciative of it. Take all the time you need to rest up! 💕


Thank you! Yes..if I do any watercolor painting, I will happily share it on Discord 😁💕