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I'm borrowing the nurse bot characters I designed for Cassiopeia Quinn here for a Colette pic. These guys are definitely more about an unusual mask/nurse kink that people dig. Personally, I dislike being in hospitals! It's so spooky! And I'm not that big on people waiting on me either! But I do like the look, and the "cleansuit" is really appealing to me. The glowing thing is a medical bandage that you can also see in action in Cassiopeia Quinn on a recent page, http://www.cassiopeiaquinn.com/comic/past-the-edge-page-13 

On Colette over there, this is maybe the first "normal" Colette with completely visible prosthetic arms. Most pictures it could be assumed that she had giant robot gloves as the original character design goes. But I think this actually does a couple things for me. First of all, I'm going to state openly that I like cyborgs. They're obviously a thing for me. I would replace my cheap and squidgy bones for bad ass robot stuff in a heartbeat.

Secondly, I think they're sexy. It does me no good to deny that I draw things I think are sexy and often create characters accordingly. Artists that try to put a socially acceptable spin on their sexy art usually end up in more trouble than it's worth.

Thirdly, it actually fits a certain thing that will happen in Amazing /co/ventures should I ever get around to writing it. I mean, not to give it all away, but it would also explain the whole scar thing that went into her original designs.

SDCC note of the evening, So today (yesterday by the time this goes up) I sent my first message to someone I met at the con! I'll do a few more. I just hope I don't bother anyone!



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