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I don't believe I uploaded a high res of this one.

It's an odd bit of art for Colette, who's starred in some odd pictures for me. It's kinda fun having a character that can go through weird messes, because them being a singular anchor point the odd stuff can get very odd. In this case it's like she's been robo/mindcontrolled into a kind of safety robo cop with a glue gun. It's a weird pile of kinks that I think the venn diagram of people it works for is going to be very small! It might not even include me!

Anyway, I'm gonna set up some posts with art. I think I should comment more on San Diego since it's been an eye opening experience. It was far and away the largest convention I've been to. It was a magnitude larger than New York ComicCon which is already insane. There were a lot of things I was interested in doing at San Diego but then seeing the kinds of lines that were forming, the actual tent cities that formed to see a movie trailer, that was a bit too much for me.

So instead I got to meet a lot of artists and do a bunch of portfolio reviews! Good times were had!



Jeff Grey

Have you considered doing any more drawings of the process of the control? Like instead of just the aftermath, show how this started? Nice picture in any case.


Sometimes. Again generally treating myself to drawing my own weirdo kinks can take a lot of time away from drawing work and stuff. I could do some basic hypnosis pics but I still try to avoid wierding out some folks.