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High Res in the drop box.

That bit in the last panel is extra and probably a bit weird for some of you :P

Anyway, I figure on sharing some adult stuff now and then on the main dashboard. But I'll be putting some warnings up ahead and I'll try to avoid any really unusual stuff on here. I know some of you will say, don't worry about it. I'm just wary of the people who don't share the same view.

This one's pretty self explanatory I think. Adult comics are a tricky business, and I think you can tell something about an artist based on where they put their focus. A lot of people see the body and figures first, which is fine as that's probably most of where sexual attraction lies. But when it comes to a comic version of it, to feel more in the moment, it's often just as important to focus on a character's expression. And simplified faces make it easier to feel the emotion and feel yourself in the scene.

Adult content is a very personal thing.

And one thing about illustrated adult content, the way a person draws a sequence can allow the audience different invitations into it. On a surface level, a realistic drawing and a cartoonish drawing could both depict the "same" thing. But a cartoonish drawing is easier for the audience to feel what it's like to be that character. And that extends to illustrated adult stuff too. I think a lot of fans of that, are looking because it lets them feel more like the character in question rather than just observing another person.



Space Robot

I am perfectly okay with that last panel. Also, all the rest of it.


This almost links completely up with the previous nsfw Cass/Ivy page. Also does this kind of link to that other nsfw sketch you have in the dropbox folder for this month? Or is this just an nsfw comic you've been musing since the first and when you're going to post new pages once in awhile? I fully agree with your assessment. Why when I did one. I too focused a lot on the faces of the characters when writing the scripts. Besides of course turning the side of a male being the one having the antics done too than the usual female role, and then even going m/m/f .


Wow! Super! I miss this kind of stuff from you... it is what drew my attention to you at the first place. How cute and innocent you make this BDSM/kinky stuff.

Brian Kim

Oh my, no other comic book told me Poison Ivy's kiss would have drastic change on women's bosum.