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High Res in the Dropbox. Three new "weird" lewd nsfw pics there too. I'll probably post at least one of them to the common feed with a warning.

A few things here. Pretty Julie Technomancer is still a project high on my list of things I'd like to accomplish. The character is good, the setting is fun, and the powers are fun to draw.

On the technical aspects of this page, it's very rough. Obviously. But I think it's one of the better punches I've ever drawn. I don't get to do this too much in Cassiopeia Quinn, a wind up and a punch takes up too much time in a comic with only one page a week. But here it adds a lot to the effect.

Comics are rather different than animation and movies (duh.) and so they require different story beats to make an impact work. I think what works here is that it's two panels of coiled wind up to one panel of just post impact. Both bits show a lot of energy.

It's an old rule, that most of the time you don't really want to show the moment of impact in a comic panel. Oddly enough, it's usually the moment with the least energy in it. The arm or weapon is at it's most outstretched so it's just flat or straight. Energy hasn't been transferred into the target yet. The moment of impact in a comic panel is often the stiffest one to show. So people like Jack Kirby usually would never use it. The action is usually described by showing the moment right after, with a good swoosh effect to define the motion that had happened.

Another effect here that I don't have a lot of details on yet is the monster effects. I'm attempting to create something like a "glitch aesthetic" to the creatures. Like warped gifs or digital noise. But I don't want to just cover a regular drawing with the usual digital photoshop effects. That would imply that what the characters are seeing is like seeing it through a camera. That would be false for this particular story. It's an effect that works great in something like Nier Automata, but everyone there is a robot and the digital effects add another layer to the story telling.

For Pretty Julie Technomancer, she's not seeing things through a digital lens or anything of the like. So digital noise effects like scan lines wouldn't be appropriate. Translating what happens to humanoid things with a glitch aesthetic is something that's being explored in interesting ways by modern artists. Like this piece is a good contemporary example. https://creators.vice.com/en_us/article/artist-brings-glitch-aesthetic-to-carved-wooden-sculptures?utm_source=tcptwitterus 

Picasso would be a great example too, for that matter.

It could be great to get monsters that evoke that kind of warped reality.





So that nfsw stuff. Are you doing a nsfw comic?