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We are deeply sorry to break the news this late, but we will need to publish the next installment of WW2 sometime tomorrow. We appreciate all your support and know this is disappointing, and promise we'll get better about delivering these on time. We're letting you know so late because we were hoping it would be able to be finished on time, although now that's not looking possible. For now, you can still enjoy the TimeGhost Short on Sweden and Slavery. Early access is available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60765749



It is all good. Better delayed quality then rushed quantity.


I'm watching the episodes from Youtube anyway so they've always been on time for me on Saturdays.


To be fair it’s just after Christmas and everything is a mess everywhere. Looking forward to our first full week of 1943 in any case.


No problem.


no stress, good work needs time


Early access is really least important imo, I'm here to support the quality. Keep up the good work!


Early access is a bonus... I support it for the content. Just let me know when it's here!


You guys are always on top of things. Great channel


I'm only at video number 133 of 176 having only recently discovered this rather stunning channel. Thus I had no clue there was any delay whatsoever 😂


I am 72 years old and have worked in the Label (stickers) printing industry since 1973. same employer since 1979 BTW... In our industry there is a saying, QUALITY...PRICE....DELIVERY...pick 2. I would rather wait for quality , I would rather not ship cheap and quick junk, a good product shipped quick COSTS in manpower, its usually 2 out of 3..... The QUALITY OF YOUR PRESENTATIONS is always worth the wait.... yes I know....72 and still working 5 days a week 40 hours....work gives me worth


Lol guys - no excuses needed at all. With so much content delivered, a small delay once in a while is perfectly normal. Compared to other CCs who barely post anything over weeks without any message on Patreon, you guys are GODS incarnate! ❤


Amen bro! I am 70 and still work 40 to 50 hours a week. It keeps me sharp and gives me worth also! Plus I get to teach the new generation some of my 52 years of acquired skill, knowledge and wisdom


By the way.I just joined today after watching many hours of the outstanding presentations. Very worthy of my time watching, extremely well done, informative. Glad to contribute in my own small way. Well earned!