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Hello TimeGhost Army!

Thank you all for bringing the issue regarding email notifications to our attention. We understand that it is extremely frustrating that many of you have not been receiving emails when our videos are published here on Patreon. We have contacted Patreon support and they have confirmed this is an issue on their end and that their engineering team is taking a look into it.

We want to apologize for not providing an update sooner. At first, we hoped the issue was a one off bug that would be fixed by the end of the week. Then we thought that once Patreon was aware of the issue they would resolve it relatively promptly. This has clearly not been the case and as a result we will begin to take measures to fill the gap until the issue is fixed.

Starting today (6/Oct/2021) we will send mass emails using Mailchimp from TimeGhost.tv. Episodes will be available on TimeGhost.tv and here as per usual.

We are very sorry for any disappointment this all might have caused you. You make TimeGhost possible and we owe you the world for it, so we hope that these emails from TimeGhost.tv will suffice until Patreon email notifications resume.



Thank you for the hard work in the email, even though this is more of Patreon's issue on the technical side rather than yours.


I recall that some Patreon emails were being flagged as Spam by Gmail. Could that be related?


No worries. Thank you for all your hard work.


i notice that and i started to look every wendsday for a new episode, after i return from gym.


Thanks for effort and update!


Interesting that I got an email from Patreon for THIS post.


Huh, I haven't experienced any disruptions from Patreon in terms of e-mail alerts. I did have Gmail call one specific post from another creator spam (curiously it was only one post and not all posts).


nah was just a minor bummer - but thanks for fixing it ! <3


Thought I was going insane for a little while or my subscription had ended for some reason! Thanks for the extra emails though. Very helpful!


I thought it was an issue on my end and was really confused. Thanks for the update!


Does it mean we need to cancel the payment with Patreon and create an account on Time Ghost? Not sure how to sign in on timeghost.


I think subscription is only through Patreon. The TimeGhost account can be linked to that anyway, though.


Also, the email from the site links to patreon anyway, so you have to keep it.