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This weeks episode is all about the revolutionary Lenin and the Soviet Union which he leads. His government is cracking down on religion, particularly the Orthodox Church, which they see as a tool of bourgeoisie and counter revolutionary forces. Lenin himself is also very clearly ill, something which both he and his fellow revolutionaries are increasingly concerned about. While medicine in the Spring of 1922 does not have all the answers for Lenin's woes, it does make a breakthrough in the discovery of the vital vitamin D.

Whether as part of revolutionary transformation of society, or as part of a more gradual and silent revolution, the role of religion has redoubtably changed since the year 1922. While you may not feel as strongly as Lenin and his Bolsheviks do, what do you think has been the historical implication of the changing role of religion in our world?


Vladimir Lenin and the Communist War On Religion | B2W: ZEITGEIST! I E.15 - Spring 1922

Vladimir Lenin founded the Bolshevik Party, orchestrated the October Revolution, and led the world's first communist state to victory in the Russian Civil War. He is now gravely ill and close to death, but he still has one more enemy he wants to crush. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Subscribe to our World War Two series: https://www.youtube.com/c/worldwartwo?sub_confirmation=1 Like TimeGhost on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhost-1667151356690693/ Hosted by: Indy Neidell Written by: Francis van Berkel Director: Astrid Deinhard Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Bodo Rittenauer Creative Producer: Maria Kyhle Post-Production Director: Wieke Kapteijns Research by: Francis van Berkel and Lewis Braithwaite Image Research by: Daniel Weiss Edited by: Daniel Weiss Sound design: Marek Kamiński Colorizations: - Daniel Weiss - https://www.facebook.com/TheYankeeColorizer Sources: Painting of Tikhon by Moskvitin Philip Photos from Color by Klimbim Bundesarchiv_Bild - 183-R14433 (Vertrag von Rapallo) Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound - One More for the Road - Golden Age Radio - Not Safe Yet - Gunnar Johnsen - Dark Shadow - Etienne Roussel - Explaining Gravity - Silver Maple - Far Far Far - Hector Posser - Dawn Of Civilization - Jo Wandrini - Ominous - Philip Ayers - Walk With Legends - Bonnie Grace - What Now - Golden Age Radio - Weapon of Choice - Fabien Tell Archive by Screenocean/Reuters https://www.screenocean.com. A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.



I hate that Youtube censors this, but puts Lil Nas X on Youtube kids


Leninism is the 20th Century's version of the Inquisition. What a brutal man. Stalin was indeed his worthy successor. I fear that it seems to be presently making its way to the US in the form of the latest fad of radical race theory and its woke adherents.


Given the vitamin D topic, milk seemed appropriate ;-)


What do you think would have happened in Russia if Lenin had stayed healthy for another 10-20 years?


About the same as if he'd died. All those Bolshies knew how to do was shoot each other.


What would of happened to Russia if Lenin had not been able to keep the Whites from taking it back? Was any of the Romanoff's any better? Could Russian have become a Republic? Could the ppl of Russia get better treatment form any of its so called leadership no matter what they said they were?


Nothing good. I can only imagine what an easy time Hitler's army would have had. So few left to "Liberate".

Stéphane Adam

Stalin would not have been able to take over for one. A less paranoid leader would have fared better against the Germans in WWII. Don't get me wrong, Lenin was no angel and Russia was just emerging from a civil war. But Stalin was crazy even by by early 20th century soviet standards.


Or it’s counterpart in the “culture war” rants of the conservatives. Both sides’ extremes need to step back from the edge.


Religion unified people when communication was difficult. Since the rise of mass communication, religions grasp on society has slowly, but steadily declined. Which IMO is good - any ideology that determines one group is somehow inherently better than another is dangerous.


The difference between Stalin and Lenin is that the latter didn't have the time to rack up the body count as did his successor.


All the problems with the Romanoffs notwithstanding, it was far better than what came after. I do believe without revolution Russian would have developed into a constitutional monarchy. A number of Romanoffs themselves were liberals.


Lenin and Stalin killed more Russians than all the Czars put together.


Agreed where these people wheter the woke assholes or the Qanon nuts I dont know. I just wished they cralled back into the wretched whole they came from


Tyranny of the mob. The problem with race theory is that it is objective opinoins not evidence. While America has repedlty fallen short of its values, in the end we are the natoin that ideolozies liberty. In my opinion, the words in the declaratoin of independence were what they were written, as shown by early drafts that listed the enslavment of African peoples as a crime against human nature and a complaint against the king. It was taken out not to offend south carolina and georgia, both states with large loyalist sentiment as the economic practice was tied to british industry and thereby supported by the British. After the war for independence ended it stayed in the country as an imbeded economic practice that could not have been gotten rid of to secure the union. After southern fear about Lincoln succesoin happened over slavery and war aims eventually moved to abolitoin, thus creating a second revelutoin to in lincolns word wash away the bondsman whip with the sabre. After words, fear among the now overthrown and defeated southern class grew into racist laws against African-americans and overtime grew into a system of Jim crow that came out of fear and preservatoin and reactoinaries to the reconsturctoin adpted this into structured racism that did not reflect americas values, but rather laws made to preserve an old system that grew into ugly racism. The KKK came out of personal hatred and was used as a paramilitary group of the system of the southern democratic elite to terrorize blacks and white republicans. Critical race theory blows all this out of propotoin and portrays america as this horrible natoin, even modern america , not as a natoin that failed its own lockeon values to preserve a fragile natoin, only for it to beacume imbeded into a regoin and later an ideology adopted by indivuals. The most dangerous part is the banning of books, thoughts and this burn society to the ground mentality. Its ok to say America is flawed and needs work, but critical race theory is incorrect and to be taught as history is revisoinist and dangerous, just like the lost cause myth is. Whats most dangerous is people are to afraid to disagree with them. This is how I view it at least, and indivual experiences are far more complex. If you disagree thats ok - its healthy to respectfully disagree


Dear Lenin - Burn in hell - The timeghost army


Added to that letter Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Saddam, Pol pot, Jeffery Epstien and so many more


Yes u are right but then that is why belief systems were made to begin with to create the "other."


Sorry but there is no such place what he was just returned to the universe

Ted Jones

I was thinking it was a White Russian. But I guess people could read too much into that.