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Between Two Wars is coming to an end soon, which will create a void to be filled by a new TimeGhost Series. Because we wouldn't be doing what we're doing without your support, we want to hear your opinion on what series to make next. The top three will be determined by everyone who supports us financially. Everyone who supports us as a TG ARMY SPECIALIST  gets to decide which of the three will be made first. Make sure to fill in the poll below to share your preference! The options are:

- 1946 The Indonesian war of independence in five episodes. This is a conflict that was framed by the Dutch Colonial rulers as ‘police actions’ but led to between 100 and 200 thousand deaths. In many ways this is the beginning of a long series of colonial independence wars after WW2, and most people outside of Indonesia and the Netherlands know very little about it. 

- 1956 The Suez Crisis in five parts. In this one crisis, all the themes that dominated the second half of the 20th century happen at the same time and in one place. Decolonization and the decline of Europe, the rise of America, the beginning fo the Cold War, the Middle-Eastern chaos and the Arab/Israeli conflict. The crisis gets really hot during the first week of November 1956, and it’s that week that we focus on mainly.

- 1963 Beetlemania and the Youth Revolution in seven parts half year by half year. In March 1963 the Beatles release their debit album “Please Please Me” in the UK. That year, the first baby boomers of the post war generation, born after 1945 are coming of age, right in the middle of an economic and technological boom, the Cold War, the South East Asian wars, and a general increase of social and international conflict. They want nothing of it - they want sex, drugs and rock and roll - and they will have it and nothing will ever be the same agin. A later Season 2 will cover what happens after the sex…

- 1964 The Faked Gulf of Tonkin incident - How the US provoked war in Vietnam - four episodes covering each day of the incident - In the night of August 2, and August 4, 1964 the US Navy destroyer Maddox and her escorts are attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin, and engage them in battle. During the night of the 4th, US President Lyndon B. Johnson announces to the public that as a result of North Vietnamese aggression in international waters, he will order an increase of troops in Vietnam. This is the beginning of the Vietnam War. Only one thing, he’s not telling the truth. The attack on the 3rd is a provocation by the US in Vietnamese territorial waters. The attack on the 4th is the US Navy shooting at ghost ships during a night of bad weather.

- 1969 The Troubles, decade by decade in four parts. Now, the conflict in Northern Ireland is pretty much common knowledge as such, but not so much the details. And in this year of Brexit, we felt it made sense to have a look at what actually happened. How the violence came about and escalated in the 1969 riots. The extreme violence from both sides in the1970s, and the ensuing long war, waged by the Irish Republican Army, the IRA, then the peace process of the 1990’s, and finally the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

- 1989 Fall of the Berlin Wall in four parts, day by day. When the Berlin Wall falls on November 9, 1989, without a single shot fired or other act of violence, the fizzling end of the Cold War has already begun, but this is the event that marks the outbreak of the Velvet Revolutions that will lead to the breakup of first the COMECON, and eventually the USSR. The opening of the East and West German border is however neither predicted nor intentional. It is a chain of near comic, belief defying events - administrative mistakes, miscommunication, and leadership on vacation - that within hours cascade into the sudden collapse of the GDR.

Please let us know your preference in the poll below!



Cannot wait for all these to be done at some point!


I think the end of the Berlin Wall would be a nice segment after a Cold War series... Maybe the flashpoints between East and West culminating in the "End".


This was a challenging vote to chose.


My vote is to apply freed up resources to make WW2 better - more out of the foxholes, more background episodes, weapons, economics, etc.


tough to be objective when one has lived through it


You should have another round after the Beatles and Gulf of Tonkin get knocked out


Will you be able to reach 3 posts per week? That felt to me to be the right level during the peak of The Great War? In my opinion that should be your first objective before starting something new...


I'm good with all of the topics. In order, Suez, Troubles, and Indonesia are the 3 I care most about.


Troubles, Suez, Indonesia


Bummer Beetlemania is so very low. But all six are great ideas.


I would love if you covered the troubles its not very well documented from outside uk and ireland. It would be good to see an outside perspective.


i would really like to hear more about the Indonesian war of independence since it is not documented as much as, say the troubles or the Suez crisis. As a Dutch person I would like to hear more from it from a neutral perspective since in my Dutch history books it is still referred to as "politionele acties" which means policing actions. I would like to know about the attrocities committed by both sides. If needed i can translate whatever you need.


and I want to thank timeghost history for your great efforts to document history!


I think, without any proof whatsoever, that Beatlemania may attract more new viewers than the others. The others are actually more interesting to me, to tell the truth; Berlin Wall foremost. Still, since I want TimeGhost to enjoy the biggest success, I'd say go with the softer history pick that may find some appeal with Pop Culture types and Boomers.