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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 1x12: "A Real Hero" // Full-Length Reaction



I do really think that the hero is Frieren. I'm pretty sure she's the one to pull that sword because as Flamme said on episode 10. She will kill the Demon King

Sikk Karuzo

Don't know if somebody already did this but here is a short list with the german names and the meaning. I probably forgot a few. Names: Frieren = freeze/ to be cold Fern = Far Stark = Strong Himmel = Heaven / Sky Heiter = Cheerful /Bright (not 100% sure) Eisen = Iron Flamme = Flame Lügner = Liar Draht = Wire Kraft = Strength/ Power Qual = agony / pain (not 100% sure) Stolz = Proud Places: Schwer = Heavy