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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End 1x12: "A Real Hero" // Reaction and Discussion

00:00 Intro 02:38 Reaction to Show 16:43 Discussion



This is my favorite episode. So many different emotions throughout the episode. Tears, laughter, joy, worry. Stark is maturing quite quickly as well. The way he just jumped into a pack of wolves without hesitation. Also how starks brother muddies his cape while teaching stark is a beautiful detail. Also love how stark is just helping everyone around the village on his free time. He’s a real hero in my eyes. Just like himmel, you don’t need a sword to prove you’re a hero


Disappointing. The thumbnail should have been Himmel. Edit: Simply based on the title. The title should go with the character its about.


I am gonna see if they really understood this episode because a lot of people went down the stupid shonen brain rotting route where they bring up the whole "stark is gonna be the one to pull the sword and be the destined hero" type of stupid thinking. All the while they miss the point of Stark reflecting upon Himmel and how he wants to be as a person. People are quick to throw himmel away for the sake of some worthless sword power up. The whole point of the sword is Himmel denying "fate" and writing his own path of a hero even if "fate" tells him he isn't the hero to save everyone. Stark uses Himmel as a person to look up to and reflect on his own character with..... Well this comment is before I watch the reaction so I guess I will find out whether I will be happy or disappointed with this reaction.


Himmel destroys everyone on the popularity polls by the way. He is by far the most liked character.


Okay I figured they would do alright and they did. I am glad they understood pretty much everything behind this episode with Himmel and Stark. Too many reactors ended up disappointing me by going the route of generic cliche stupid thinking and by doing so they literally might as well have thrown Himmel's entire character and contribution to the story out of the window. That is basically what would happen if you had Stark go the annoying route of pulling out the "hero sword" and beating everyone with it. Just thinking about it reminds me of how absolutely stupid it is.


Small detail, last episode when Fern was carrying Stark on her back, Stark says Fern smells good. This episode, Frieren says Fern smells good while shes being carried. Also the ring was shown in episode 1


I like to imagine Fern is just constantly casting her "See Through Clothes" Spell whenever she looks at Stark, and calls him Perv to cover it up XD


Man, i cried along with your guys' reaction. Loved the reaction


"I want more of this show" Accidentlywatchthewholethingandpostittomorrowmaybe?


Stark and Fern are the same age. Stark is a few months older.


Two interpretations of Fern's reaction regarding not wanting to give Frieren to Stark for carrying: 1) She's been raised by a puritan priest and has conservative values regarding contact between men and women or 2) She's jealous and doesn't want Stark developing any feelings or having anything close to a sexual thought about anyone other than her.


Cant wait for pouty Fern


ooof I got salty people replying. Btw @Jasmine Himmel is 1st and frieren is 2nd

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

according to whom? if you asked every single person who watches frieren who there fav character is (which isnt really possible) i would bet lots of money the most popular choice would be frieren.


according to whom? according to the official popularity poll they did for the series. It isn't hard to look it up. Act like I just made it up with no evidence.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

ok but polls can easily be manipulated and they also aren't a total vote count of everyone who watches the series. i do not deny that you can link me "a" poll that says himmel is the no. 1 most loved character, all im saying is if you asked everyone it would most likely be frieren.


With how much you guys enjoyed this one I’m itching even more to see you all enjoy Violet Evergarden. The lower key, sentimental episodes are far and away the best parts of Frieren

Daniel Borrego

In the chibi side series its stated that when someone has lots of mana they 'smell' good. so thats probably what frierens talking about here. Specifically it said "magical bodies give off a nice smell"


You are basing that off of nothing at all besides your opinion. I have evidence with an official popularity poll that Himmel is favorited in 1st and frieren is 2nd. It isn't that hard to understand. Besides that am I talking to someone that only watches the anime or also reads the manga? Cause if you only watch the anime its the fact that you are telling me who is more popular/favorite while only potentially knowing what the anime has shown that doesn't work in your favor at all.


The title: A real hero. The title is referring to the portion of Himmel but nah lets just put stark in the thumbnail even though the title doesn't go with his character in this episode.


Maybe it’s Kraft?! Like what he did has long been forgotten, but perhaps the sword is the only reminder. I’m basing this on more than just ep 11 ofc, but I won’t spoil.