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adore the Adventure Time reacts and really excited for you all toe get to the end of this season since that's where things really start


Re-watching this series is goanna make me cry all over again I think


fr this show is my whole childhood and still is one of my favorite pieces of media of all time

pollyy clunes

you have NO idea how long me and my friends did the “ch ch “ thing—- as in, we still do that lol


Man I always forget finn is about that life, he will kill you for fun if you are evil.

Asad Khabir

The ending has to be most 'damn we have come so far' ending I have seen in media.

Sam 2003

Dang, in my house we love mountains dew, so you not knowing frost bite is so weird but I think the best flavor is spark, then frost bite, then regular, and lastly voltage, not my fave.


Jake's VA admitted he cried during the recording of the last episode


Same really means a lot to me and each week I get a a sad nostalgic thinking about it, I was 10 when the show started


I only sing with H-man now


So I live in a state that is on the migration path for lady bugs. Living in an old house in the fall is like spending every day in a Juni Ito story. Constant noises at night only to wake up to a ceiling covered in lady bugs. Lady bugs are awful.

apple jacked

Seriously can't wait until y'all see Ice King later in the series. Also, I love how he managed to build an entire functioning Sand Castle. Choose Goose is so very funny to me. There is also a character I am so looking forward to seeing later on.

Jessica Williams

Once, I left my pop unattended for a moment, and then continued drinking it only to find a ladybug had crawled into my can. It was awful! Ladybugs are nasty! And some bite! Do not want!