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what a surprisee!!!!! I'm guessing we're getting John Wick 3 tmr




react to rwby as a movie

Emperor Belos

Why is it a suprise. It says on their schedule for this week John wick 2 on Thursday


I don’t look at their schedules and the one I saw was John Wick 2 was going to be tmr.

iron pirate76

you guys should react to the kingsmen trilogy and one movie called kung fu hustle


kingsmen trilogy and kill bill movies


you should do Incredibles 1 and 2

Mark Frado

please react to 2015 horror comedy the voices starring ryan reynolds its really good

Emperor Belos

I really wanna see y’all’s reaction to kingsman

The Smoking Fox

you should watch older animated movies like - once upon a forest - the secret of NIMH - FernGully: The Last Rainforest.


if yall haven't seen them I think yall would love Treasure Planet and Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Both VERY beautifully animated movies and a great watch.


I love your reactions, keep up the awesome work, kingsmen trilogy highly recommend

Bowie Jenne

I understand where H-Man is coming from when he was talking about Ruby Rose playing a deaf character instead of an actor who is actually deaf. But I think there are two things important to note: The first is that Ruby’s character isn’t actually deaf, she’s just mute. You can tell because John speaks to her multiple times without using sign language. Second, authentic casting is important, but sometimes you need to accept that it’s not always easy to find actors with the extremely specific traits the character has. People got upset when Brian Cranston was cast as Philip Lacasse in The Upside, a man who was a quadriplegic, instead of an actor who really was a quadriplegic. How many actors can you think of that are in wheelchairs AT ALL, let alone quadriplegic?


Have you noticed the 10 pigeons on the statue at the end for like the ten seats that are left


pirates of the carribean plsss


With y’all liking this so much, y’all will love “Nobody”, with Bob Odenkirk! Very similar feel

Hingle Mcringleberry

if you guys liked this you'll like Nobody it's also written by the same dude that wrote john wick