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im not sure what site you guys use, but its wrong, this isnt the finale, you have 4 more season 2 episodes, the site just lists them as season 3


Season 2 ends with Log Date 7152


Billy here! Yeah you are absolutely right in this show being VERY important to queer rep especially in cartoons, and Rebecca Sugar has told numerous stories of having to really stand her ground to the higher ups repeatedly trying to bully her into removing those scenes from the show. You mentioned Gravity Falls and what little gay rep there is in the show also went through a lot of repression and censorship :/


Just to doubly say every time a gem poofs there form changes. At least so far in the show. Pearl changed as did Amethyst and Garnet. And the season has 4 more episodes. Hulu shortened the season for some reason.


yeah steven universe was pretty much the first family cartoon to have openly gay recurring characters. a big part of it is simply the crew behind it, shows like su and the owl house are more in your face and unapologetic about their lgbt themes/characters because they're made by lgbt people themselves. weren't many lgbt women making shows back in the day


As someone who was watching and looking out for specifically gay media- there was and still hardly is any explicitly stated gay main characters. There's more nowadays for sure! But back then? The most we would get in children's cartoons was an implied relationship, or if it was stated then it would hardly ever be shown. Usually if a show had gay rep it was to a side character or hardly ever the focus, they also had a terrible habit of making very...disrespectful representations of the lgbt community, or it was just queer baiting lol. So Steven Universe was genuinely very groundbreaking! I'm fairly certain it is still one of- if not THE queerest children's cartoon to date.


One thing I always noticed in the episode where they’re getting the drill is how Amethyst is perfectly fine letting Peridot make rude comments for a laugh until she’s the one who’s being made fun of. So Peridot literally can’t see how that was different then what she was doing before Amethyst got upset. Steven is also good in that episode with how quickly he shuts Peridot down by not understanding her joke like when someone make a joke that’s just them saying rude shit for no reason.

Cloud Kitsune

The sad thing is, many shows may hint or subtly confirm if a character is bi or gay, but most cartoons haven't had a clearly stated gay couple that I can think of... The closest being OK KO, and that was a subtle confirmation at the VERY END in a flash of scenes. I'm glad we're getting representation with shows like Steven Universe and The Owl House for lesbians (not to discredit that Luz is bi), but we haven't had much at all for a legit two-dudes-in-love couple. Most shows get cancelled if they even try, it seems... =/

Robert Jones

This show is amazing. For the representation not only for lgbt but for nuerodivergent people. Peridot is representation for people on the spectrum. And the show deals with heavy things throughout the series.


Yeah as a kid I didn't see much queer representation in children's media. closest thing was probably in the movie Paranorman and even then it was like a throwaway joke. the only real content that was made available to me via hulu was like Buffy the Vampire Slayer which is such a great show, Rebecca Sugar definitely helped pave the way.


SU was definitely one of the first to have an explicit same sex relationship. and think about this- jail break, the episode where garnet is revealed to be a fusion, was released before gay marriage was even legalized. it’s crazy to think about. rebecca had to fight like crazy to include a lot of the stuff in the show and it’s sad to read some of her interviews where she said she would come out of meetings very shaken. but it really paid off because this show truly paved the way for the owl house and other shows to have such direct representation


Kinda surprised you guys didn't bring up the fact that apparently there's a blue diamond & a yellow diamond now


Technically this wasn't the finale! The final episode of season 2 is log date 7 15 2. There's 2 more sets of 2 episodes in the season. But even then it kind of has a soft ending to it. I believe bc seasons 2 & 3 were meant to go together. Either way there would've been a 3 parter bc it ends on an odd amount of episodes. So still super appreciated that you did 3 episodes together to keep the finale in one. Also season 5 might not be on the streaming service you're using! But there is a 5th season :)


Did you guys notice in the humming, it was the same melody from the last season finale song "(stronger than you?)"


all the seasons including the movie and steven universe futer, is on HBO Max if you have it


Just to clarify, here's the order: Steven Universe (5 seasons), Steven Universe: The Movie, & Steven Universe Future.


Fun Fusion Fact, if u guys didn't know: They are meant to represent the (romantic, platonic, familial, etc.) relationships of the individuals within the fusion. Let's take Garnet and Malachite: Garnet portrays the strong and healthy relationship between Ruby and Sapphire. On the other hand, Malachite portrays the unhealthy and toxic relationship between Jasper and Lapis Lazuli. You'll learn more about fusions later on in the show, but it's good to keep this in mind.

Juan Carlos Jaimes Jr.

Just want to chime in one more thing about the show going through struggles. Yes, the show was canceled, and there is still a lot for the world to improve on in terms of treating people with respect and doing the right thing. The US definitely still has reservations about the LGBTQ but one thing that should be noted is that I believe a large portion of the animation was done in a different country, Korea I think, but don't quote me on that. The point is since another country was also involved in the show a large portion of the blame for the show's cancellation does go to them as well. It wasn't just the US stopping the show it was also other outside factors. Hope this adds a little more context. And if anyone has the proper studio or more information feel free to state the correct information below this comment.


What do you mean by the show being canceled? Cause it had 5 original seasons, then a movie, then another 6th season and it wrapped up pretty good in my opinion


show was in fact canceled because the last arc in homeworld was supposed to be much longer and Steven Universe Future was supposed to have 2-3 seasons what could have included more backstory for specific characters (it's a spoiler here so I wont say who) but yeah, they told about some of the stories in second art book that they had to cut out.


Yea cut out not canceled, cause Rebecca said she has no intention of continuing

Down D Stairs

The Cops being Gay was hindered by disney. Im pretty sure the creator revealed all the things disney gave him pushback on. the cops were one of those things.


The Steven Universe crew had to fight really hard to keep the show going with the representation. They were told if they moved forward there was a very real chance the whole thing would get cancelled, and they decided to push for it. Other showrunners have said that Sugar and the crew really opened the door for openly gay characters on screen.

Xavier Avery

not just that but it gives context on the fact that sapphire was humming her and Ruby's song to comfort herself in the jail cell when she thought they would kill her.

Meerkats in Disguise (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 00:55:19 Just a sidenote, but I honestly love Blue Pearl's design the most. She is so pretty <3
2023-06-03 18:56:00 Just a sidenote, but I honestly love Blue Pearl's design the most. She is so pretty <3

Just a sidenote, but I honestly love Blue Pearl's design the most. She is so pretty <3