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We've combed through the comments and requests and are putting the most requested series here in this poll. We will be putting this poll on Patreon & YouTube and making a decision from there.

We will take the results of both polls, take a look at how the series do on YouTube and which ones seem to peek our interest most and we will make an informed decision based on that.

To be clear Brooklyn 99 is still coming and we are listing these shows as we more than likely will eventually get to all of them. But we need to iron out in which order we'll be doing them. We are not going to list Infinity Train or Legend of Vox Machina as they are short and we know for sure we will be getting to those at some point.

So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a vote and make your voice heard!


Kayla Ryan

I hope She Ra wins. It's short compared to the others, only 52 episodes over 5 seasons.



Justice League Unlimited

I don’t get why people are saying that She-Ra would be better reactions. Gumball and Regular Show are so funny, I would watch them die from laugher. And considering that those are the ones that I have watched fully, I would prefer them. Especially since they are watching Steven Universe and Adventure Time, it would be fitting and if you add Ben 10 then it would be a Cartoon Network blast.

William Timmins

Because there's a story that evolves. You speculate on the future, comment on characters and character growth. I LOVE Gumball, but you just sort of... sit there and laugh. It's just not as interesting for a reaction, IMO. I mean, I'll still enjoy it, probably, but it's just not as appealing.


"We are not going to list Infinity Train or Legend of Vox Machina as they are short and we know for sure we will be getting to those at some point."

Copper Knyght

I voted for She-Ra but I wouldn’t be upset with any of choices on the poll. But here’s another recommendation for Over the Garden Wall and for another YouTube show that just premiered, Lackadaisy.


Over the Garden Wall is a great suggestion, they could do it as a Halloween special or something since it only takes like 2 hours to watch the whole thing. Would love to see it!

Joshua A Redmond

Regular Show is like Adventure Times Rival Show. It’s Just as Entertaining

davi Mal

I’m still hoping for them to react to the English version of Yu Yu Hakusho…. I know Ruffsenpai has posted the first and only episode on his channel, but it would be great if they all react to the complete series.


No offense to Gumball fans but, seriously.. How does this show have the most votes??💀 The show is good & all but it doesn’t even have an over arching plot. And anyone who has watched all three show can vouch for me when I say.. that She-Ra is definitely the best show on here when it comes to story. Now this title of “best story” should belong to Star Vs but unfortunately as we all know.. that the landing was not stuck on that one. Which is why She-Ra is clearly the more logical choice here.


Can't believe Regular Show is losing, it's a perfect fit for you guys to react to!


just sayin if gumball wins i hope yall watch regular show after it


Yeah it's the one I was hoping for the most but interestingly it is winning on the Youtube poll.

Gavin Bickel

i bet this is a prank with Gumball winning. i bet it's not gonna be Gumball. they HAVE to know it's a nonsense series with NO plot whatsoever.


I love love love She-Ra!! The LORE you guys the LORE!! Well we'll see which one wins I guess. Dang democracy haha


I know I already commented on this but I just can’t get it out of my head. Look how many heartfelt comments are typed out on this for she ra… it’s such a good show and so many people like it. It’s easy to click vote on a poll but there are people who come in here and comment on why she ra would be amazing to watch. I don’t see nearly as many people doing that for the others. Please take that into consideration.


Well gumball has comments too and people are just mad that it’s winning


Can you pin this?


Guys I feel as tho if gumball wins obviously it will take over amphibia but we gotta realize owl house is ending soon too so I feel as tho She-ra will take over that so no worries


Can you pin this? So more people will see it. 🙂 People are still making recommendations for this poll, as it's the one that's pinned.

Jose Perez

honestly never got into gumball, tho maybe their reaction will be better, same with She-ra


I would love some Arcadia Tales from Guillermo del Toro, start with Trollhunters, then 3 Bellow, then Wizards and then the movie


The woke people can't handle SH-RA losing so they have to make it terrible for everyone else. It's not the end of the world.

Erryl Osite

I hope ghost and Molly McGee is in the next poll!


I have watched and generally enjoy all options so I'll watch either way. However, since it's replacing Amphibia which is a story heavy show I feel like it should be replaced with one that's also story heavy, if that makes sense? To keep all the people who came for the vibe of amphibia and TOH around. And with that in mind She-ra or Star are the best options. Gumball and Regular show are super funny and good shows! But they're kinda like adventure time if adventure time never developed an overall plot. Which again is fine and all. I just feel like that means gumball or regular show would be best to replace adventure time at a later date.


Not voting for regular show is crazy


absolutely gumball


I really hope regular show wins. I love Gumball don't get me wrong but it's just random episodes without really much of a through story.


i dont think regular show is gonna win, its at 19 percent while gumball is at 35 percent


I’ve never watched She-Ra, but I love the other 3! Gumball and RegularShow don’t have a storyline at all, but they are funny af! But if you want something following some kind of a storyline - definitely Star.


Gumball doesn't have a whole story but it does have tons of backstory and relationship building between all the characters in the show. Definitely worth a watch


Star vs the forces of evil is Pretty good !


Can you Please watch trollhunter tales of Arcadia or better All tales of arcadia series and the movie


it's gonna be so long before they watch star vs the forces of evil :(


looking at the YouTube and patreon poll looks like it's gonna be Gumball than Regular Show


My Thoughts on shows in the poll: She-Ra: Plot Heavy, Really good and interesting world building and has funny moments good villains imo the best replacement for amphibia 9/10 Gumball: Very funny, funniest show of all time for me and that includes live-action shows Tbh the jokes feel like they were made for teens-adults despite being a kid show, no main plot to follow but there is continuity specifically for character growth and relationships has the most enjoyable world and characters 10/10 Regular show: Good enjoyable random humor , focuses on character growth development towards the end of the show, amazing show but has a super annoying subplot I wont spoil it 8/10 Star: Funny show, decent enjoyable plot I would say something else about it but it would be a spoiler 7/10


Don't join the discord server guys, admins throw a tantrum when you disagree with them :)


This is quite literally not true and proves that you were booted from the discord server for a reason. You actively argued and were rude to the mods as well as other community members for literally 20 minutes straight. From 5:33am until 5:53am when you were kicked. You were asked to move on and drop the topic multiple times but choose to continue to argue. We do not appreciate you then coming to the patreon to lie about what happened to garner sympathy or deter other community members from joining the discord server.


That being said, we do not tolerate this type of toxicity nor do we need argumentative people who choose to lie instead of taking accountability in this community. This is your warning that if your negative and argumentative attitude continues here on patreon we will not hesitate to remove you from here as well.


Damn well I can tell Ruff wrote this, but yeah I'm a genuine fan so I wouldn't enjoy that, was definitely just bitter after getting banned for throwing a little attitude, peace and love


Cant say I’m happy a show with absolutely no plot is winning . It’s good but 😭 prefer shera especially with how long gumball is


Man the She-ra fans just cant graciously take an L huh? Like every day its a new post of someone complaining that it didn't win the poll. It's ok people, they will probably still do the show at some point, if you haven't scared them away from it by now.

Ashton Ellsworth

To be honest this poll is meaningless to me I would be hyped for any of this but it’s cool how everyone is so passionate as long as it’s with respect


I remember ruff saying they don't only look at the poll results they also look at comments and said we should comment if we want them to react to a show, that's why shera fans are commenting on what show they prefer them to watch, it has nothing to do with taking being salty that another show is winning, the comments is kinda part of the poll


I feel like the Nani boys are also the perfect target age group for the jokes and style of Regular Show. It really never felt like a 'kids' show when it was on Cartoon Network. Felt much more targeted towards mid 20s to early 30s adults.


⚠️It's a bad idea to take Gumball, even if I really like the series, it has a crazy humor and a universe without logic.😅 And that would make two series like that at the same time with Adventure Time.😕 ❤️ It is better to choose one of the three other options and when Adventure Time is finished replace it by Gumball👍


Yall I know Gumball is a Goat but Star vs the Forces has some story to follow which will be fun to see the reaction to. But Gumball is still good for short laughs but if the guys are reading Star is a must watch


I mean, Star would be fun, but only the first two seasons are good. It gets really bad after that.


Every reactor I've watched still enjoyed it thoroughly. I think it'd be fun. Plus, they might still like it despite how its last season and finale felt for most people. I really like the last season. I think the finale was disappointing but nowhere near enough to ruin the show for me like it did for others. I still rewatch Star (along with Gravity Falls and a few others) at least once a year, and I never regret it because it had so much cool stuff and amazing characters.

Geo Beast

gumball is good but no story


I’m so confused why are people like”Gumball has no plot” it never did why are people surprised?


No one’s surprised, people are just saying that because it’s the most popular and people want a more plot heavy show to replace amphibia.


We all know it doesn't have plot. But they don't know that, they haven't watched it. So people are just letting them know bc it would be replacing a plot heavy series. It's ultimately their decision, but giving additional info on the potential next show as well as an opinion on why it would or wouldn't be a great replacement is normal feedback. Especially when they're asking for community feedback on what to watch next and why.


Ok I gotcha now I understand people said they already have adventure time since it has episodes that are just for fun so I get now why people said it’s gonna take a while for them to react to she ra which is the one I see a lot of people comment


Valid point and I agree I get it people want a more plot heavy show their loads of fun and the fan theories are great! but also there people who just want them to react to some silly and wacky mcgoofy shows I’m sure they’ll react to a heavy show later on but for now the wacky adventures will do for now


My Hero Academia should be added to watch list!

Callum Ringsy

I love svtfoe and it should definitely be reacted to at some point, but She-Ra is so superior to everything

Bath Time Toaster

At some point I hope you guys react to the sandman it's a super short series and is completely worth it

Colonel Violet

I cannot believe Star is not winning... people these days.

Will F

Its crazy so many people voted for She-Ra


Like.... how are they choosing She-Ra over friggin Star!?

Charlie Reeves

People talking bad about She-Ra havent watched She-Ra, Gumball is great and all but id like to see a story driven kind of show replaced with another story driven kind of show and not something like Gumball and Regular show which are very episodic, I can say I havent watched Star but Ive heard the fanbase REALLY hates how the show ended, idk tho.




Star is the best of the of the 4 ending was fine


while i dont think it invalidates watching the whole series like alot of the internet does, it is by no means a good ending


Worst ending I’ve ever seen in a cartoon. Feel free to correct me if there’s worse ones but out of all I’ve seen personally… really bad lol

Hunter Bishop

Just as a warning, Gumball is not plot heavy at all. I know people have already said it but I know c-oney and you guys in general prefer plot so I just wanted to chime in


anything else lol like gravity falls, toh, amphibia, even steven universe


Gumball then Regular Show nice

Garrett Malone

Gumball no plot. She ra first then use gumball to replace Adventure time.


i dont think they're going to do that

Daniel Nolt

I’d say replace Amphibia with Shera because Shera is more plot focused while Gumbal is more episodic. I love Gbal, but Shera makes more sense as the replacement

Thomas Hill

gumball has plot but its only everyfew episodes its never consistent regular show has a pretty good balance between fun episodes and plot


dont cap , 90 percent of regular show eps are plotless too


Star vs The Forces of Evil has the most plot and it will get a little wild a bit weird but you will have a good time

Jayshawn Robinson

regular shows plot doesnt come til way later. 90% of the show is plotless but still its a good show


Honestly you should just plan to watch all of these, they're all really good!


just throwing this out there for the future React RWBY ( or at least the 1st trailer)

apple jacked

You know, if I had a suggestion it would be Centaurworld, a Netflix original. Nice assortment of characters, has darker undertones to it plus it is a musical series, but that is the thing about it.

Eve (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 06:30:51 Oh! You guys did young justice so maybe do the Green Lantern animated show?
2023-04-27 03:38:51


whoops, got too many youtubers on my patreon feed and mixed them up


Also only two seasons, so not a huge commitment. And the main character has the same voice actor as Lena from Ducktales.


Ooo someone else who suggests Centaurworld! I suggested it too, forget on which video but it'd be nice to see them react to it.