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Not long after making my first survival world (in fact, it was the very next world I created) I made a creative world. This world was also made in 2011 during beta 1.8, and quickly became the main world me and my younger brother would play on during 2011 and 2012 (we both took turns playing on my parents old PC). I was so scared of dying on my survival world that I ended up playing here more, which is why there is so much random stuff.

The world was eventually and fittingly renamed "awesome tunel" (my spelling lets me down once again) as one of the first things me and my brother built was a series of small wooden houses (more like boxes), with an underground tunnel connecting them all. Ultimately, this is the world where I experimented and learnt a lot about minecraft, building a lot of random things. This world is really a relic of the past, notice the "TMI Random Firework Spawner" in my inventory, amongst the 32k enchanted weapons and armour. 

Notably there is:

- A huge railway/rollercoaster (the pride and joy of this world)

- A huge hole to bedrock, the result of me deciding to randomly place a bunch of tnt.

- A water slide in that very same hole, which I regularly rode down in boats.

- A rather questionable looking Steve pixelart

- A rather questionable looking pixelart of my mum (built for mothers day)

- The houses and the famous underground tunnels the world was named after

- Some sort of bow/archery course/challenge

- Me trying to summon herobrine with the oldschool herobrine spawner

- Me then telling herobrine to show himself, and threatening him with a fight to the death as he did not spawn from my herobrine ritual

- A variety of random redstone builds 

- A basic TNT cannon tutorial with signs

- A desert with a lot of creeper holes (back then mobs would aggro you even when in creative mode, and I would use this to make the mobs fight each other while I spectated).

- A lot of other random crap me and my brother built over the 1-2 years we spent playing this world.

If you'd rather a guided tour, then check out this video where I explored the world on stream, and explained many of the builds - https://youtu.be/Wt_MwDre86c&t=908 (15 minute mark to 38 minute mark).

Technical Details:

I'd also advise you to open this world in 1.16 or earlier (the version here is 1.12), but the latest version should also be fine.

Not sure how well this one will downgrade to beta 1.8/1.0.0/1.1, but you are welcome to try!





Really want to see this! There's something magical about old Minecraft worlds, and if see Herobrine I'll let you know!