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Attached here are multiple worlds featured in videos or streams.

1. The Tree Experiment World

This is the world from the video "Watch This Video, Place 1 Block – A WORLD FIRST Minecraft Experiment" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDbH106mF2Y). In this video I got a custom plugin made that would place 1 random block for every view a specific youtube video got, and the blocks would generate in a sort of "tree" like structure.

The experiment ran for about a month, and the video achieved about 1.1 million views in that time, and the world here is the final product. Little known fact about this experiment is that we accidentally set it to place 2 blocks for every view, so technically there are twice as many blocks here as they should be, but oh well lol.

Note: You can obtain the plugin used for this experiment with the "Elite Tier" Patreon subscription.

2. The r/place In Minecraft Experiment World

This is the world from the video "We CREATED a Minecraft r/place EXPERIMENT - Heres What Happened..." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQ4XWtjeV_4). In this video I got a custom plugin that allowed players to place 1 of a selection of about 50 blocks, every minute (although it was later changed to 1 block every 45 seconds). The video was inspired by the reddit r/place event. 

The experiment ran for 7 days, with thousands of players joining over that period. 562,520 total blocks were placed on the 200x200 canvas, and the attached world file is the final result! These days the experiment is still regularly talked about, with players waiting in eager anticipation of the teased 3D r/place experiment...

Note: You can obtain the plugin used for this experiment with the "Elite Tier" Patreon subscription.

3. Ultrahardcore Survival Stream Experiment World

In late 2020/early 2021, I began an experimental stream world with some friends (Here is the playlist of streams - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB63xwrzHTDr2tYs3B7pSma9BUlTA7qlN).

Basically, it was hardcore minecraft with a twist. Natural regeneration was disabled, and whenever you died, rather then no longer being able to play, you lost a heart instead, effectively giving you 10 lives. I got a datapack made for this, which is also included in the world save by the way. You could also buy back a heart with a sizeable portion of diamonds.

This world is the first world which I ever streamed on, and I've used it for cinematics/footage in a variety of videos since, as the seed is really picturesque with a beautiful island in the ocean, and a huge mountain present just in the distance.

This world was too big to upload to Patreon (900 MB), so you'll have to download it from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/155j_wo_a8wsYuRS6ayzjXgcUMSfqsGjb/view?usp=sharing

4. Realistic Gravity Worlds

In early 2022 and then later in early 2023, I streamed and uploaded a video about a realistic minecraft gravity experiment I conducted - https://youtu.be/cs7Le7bq3hc

Attached are 2 worlds for both older minecraft and modern minecraft setup for you to try out the experiment yourself. The 2 worlds I played on and showcased in my videos and streams are also included here. Make sure to read the instructions file so you know what mods to install.

