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The History

Here is the world download to my first ever minecraft survival world, which I began all the way back in 2011 during beta 1.8. I was 9 years old when I began this world, playing on a cracked version of minecraft my friend gave to me on a 2gb school USB.

Technically I had a few worlds which I made a week or two before this one, but I accidentally deleted them all when trying to transfer my minecraft files to another friend. Not that it mattered much anyways, as all I did in those worlds was walk around for a while and build 5x5 2 block high walls around me with no roof as my "house", and then promptly starving to death.

This world here, fittingly named "amwsome world", was a world which I started when the friend who introduced me to minecraft decided to come over to my house one day after school. Together, with our knowledge of minecraft solely drawn from the old "X's Adventures in Minecraft" series, we began playing on this world. Instantly upon logging in I remember thinking this world was awesome (thus inspiring the name I would give to the world save after, although clearly my spelling let me down) due to the expansive cave network that began right at the surface of the world, of which I built my base in. I remember me and my friend being super shocked at the amount of iron ore we found, thinking this world was a "special" world.

The Importance Of This World

This would also be the world where I found (and lost) my very first minecraft diamonds, one of the most important and core gaming experiences in my life. I couldn't stop crying lets just say that, and I will never forget the sense of dread and despair that came over me, when I couldn't find my way back out the cave with the 1 singular diamond I had found. I actually made an exact recreation of the whole ordeal here if you are curious - https://youtu.be/2m_Tx8AasVM. You can find the very locations where this all happened if you head down the mine which is straight out the front of my house.

Anywho, I would continue playing this world for the next few weeks, eventually updating it to minecraft 1.0.0 which I was quite displeased with, as the grass around my base changed to the murky swamp biome colour, and passive mobs seemed to no longer spawn making me feel very lonely. And, due to it being my first real minecraft experience, I was absolutely terrified to explore further out then 100-200 blocks from my base as I would easily get lost. As such I basically just stayed around my area and built some stuff, nothing too impressive, but extremely nostalgic to me as this is the world where I learnt to play survival minecraft.

Here is a video I made touring the world and explaining some of the builds/details if you are curious, might be nice to listen to/watch while you view it in game - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c38nnxrJiGw

I've also attached another world from later in 2012 named "theman", which is the first survival world that I beat the enderdragon in. This world isn't super interesting, its basically me just occupying a village and slowly finding diamonds to gear up to beat the dragon. I remember really liking this world seed from the time, and using it for multiple worlds though.

Technical Details:

I'd advise you all to open this world in version 1.16 or earlier (the version uploaded here is in 1.12), but opening it in the latest version is fine as well.

If you really want, you can in fact open the world in minecraft 1.1, the important terrain around my base will not break and there shouldn't be chunk errors (I downgraded the world to 1.1 to film that video linked above). Opening it in 1.0.0 and beta 1.8 can cause some issues, but you can give it a try.




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