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Hail all!  This article really infuriated me, and I spent the whole weekend working on this.  Kennedy and her ilk must be really desperate, because the MSM assault on Star Wars fans is ramping up yet again.  This "article" is like a Greatest Hits album of attacks on our fandom, and Doomcock is NOT going to allow this to pass without comment.  Let me know what you think, and thank you all for your support...it is only because of you guys that I can create all this work.

FYI, the latest Rumblings from the Lair is finished, including the answers to your questions, and it will be posted tomorrow at the latest!



Esquire has published a pernicious litany of lies masquerading as a legitimate article that includes pretty much every slander leveled against fans since The Last Jedi divided the fandom. In this video, Doomcock dissects this article point by point, demolishing this narrative the MSM is attempting to foist on the world, the false characterization of Star Wars fans as toxic. #starwars #boycottepisode9 #kathleenkennedy Please consider joining me and supporting me in my struggle to save pop culture at patreon.com/doomcock. For as little as $1 a month you can help Doomcock stay on the air and gain access to hours of exclusive content! Join now...or I'll unleash Harvey on the world! Link to Article: https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a25560063/how-fans-ruined-star-wars-the-last-jedi-2018/ Copyright 2018 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, and Harvey Cthuhlu are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock.



And yet I bet that they will act surprised, when being confronted with something like this: <a href="https://www.change.org/p/the-walt-disney-company-have-disney-strike-star-wars-episode-viii-from-the-official-canon." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.change.org/p/the-walt-disney-company-have-disney-strike-star-wars-episode-viii-from-the-official-canon.</a> Currently it has around 117.000 signatures. Customer complaints are quite similar to an ice berg. You see only the smallest part. There are studies that show that for every customer complaint, there are up to 26 other unhappy customers who have remained silent (Source: Lee Ressource). I would call this chang.org petition a lot of customer complaints. And we haven’t even started to talk about the social stuff.


I had a feeling this vitriol from the Lamestream Media would emerge, but they went on steroids to continue the nonsense on the 1st anniversay. They still don't get it. And yet, they expect us to behave like the victim in a domestic violence relationship, accepting the apology of our abuser so we return to them...but the abuse will return once we make the slighest complaint. That's the game they're playing. They have allowed their production crew, their performers and others involved with Lucasfilm to go on tirades and rants, virtually cursing people who politely disagreed with them and gave cogent arguments. They overlook women and blacks and other minorities who didn't like TLJ because we don't fit their agenda. They strike out against white males who are the strongest part of the fanbase. But "please come see Episode IX you manbabies and other pieces of crap. We hate you but need your money." I'm done with them. The ONLY bright spot has been to 'meet' the likes of Doomcock and SW fans who no longer need to feel alone in thinking "Am I the only one who thinks Disney Lucasfilm is off the rails?"


I haven't seen a shitting thing from 'Lucasfilm' since Rogue One, including their insipid shows. This just feels like more of the same pathetic, miserable attempts at politicizing the poor response to their unimaginative, stupid excuses and equally stupid crap films that supposedly have anything to do with Star Wars.


🎶 Have I told you lately that I love you? 🎶 Thank you Doomcock for defending us OG fans! 💋


Also, am I a misogynist? I do’t know, so I need some looser sjw MALE to tell me. Apparently I hate myself and all other women. And you guys clearly hate women too. 🙄🤬🤯👿


My lord Doomcock, how do you sustain the nuclear fires of your eternal rage? I feel mine gutter and die, choked with too much ash from all the previous instances of asinine fuckery fed to its consuming pyre. It seems a neverending stream, their delusion is without end.


Brilliantly said, Lord Doomcock! Thank you for continually taking a stand against this SJW nonsense. TFA and TLJ did everything possible to make Star Wars look ridiculous. It’s really not to much for the fans to demand a film worthy of the franchise. Unfortunately, LucasFilm is so transfixed by the SJW agenda that I don’t believe they’re ever going to willingly repair the damage they’ve already done. Alas, poor Star Wars, I knew thee well.


Agreeing with everyone, well said Lord. The "author" of that article sounds like a complete moron trying to push far left agenda as an article. I mentioned this as a comment on youtube but I will briefly mention it here - if what he says is true, why are we not also bashing The Expanse and The Orville? If it is all about is white males, we should hate The Orville because take a look at a cast photo - 2 of the 8 main characters are white males(the third is hidden in a robot costume so you wouldn't know he is white). Yet the show is liked and the 2 most liked characters are played by a woman and a black male actor. Wow, what fucking sexist racists we are! What I don't get is why are there no articles or magazines presenting our side? There has to be someone out there who think this pc shit is insane and is willing to publish counter articles. That's part of the problem - as long as no one does and the internet is the only way to get our opinions out there, we can be dismissed as keyboard warriors who don't count.


Thankyou for speaking up for us my liege, I can't believe anyone takes these online news sources seriously. I watched PewDiePie's response to similar articles accusing him of being a white supremacist, just for accidentally recommending a movie review channel that happened to express anti-semitic views many years ago, which he was unaware of. The sad truth is there really are scores of people who lap the crap up without question.


The title of that article is similar to one they wrote back in December 2009, "The Year Rhianna Finally Ruined Chris Brown". I could've liked Chris Browns songs, but not after Rhianna had to go and let his fist hit her face, how could she do that to him?! I mean, can't she dodge? Or at least keep her hands up to protect her face, geez, has she never watched boxing? The three things we can clearly deduce from that event is that Rhianna is racist, sexist, and loves Hitler. Now that I think about it, I may have made that article up... oh well, inventing facts never stood in the way of a hit piece before! (Felt the need to say I'm only joking so this comment can't be used against us. If you don't understand that I'm drawing a parallel between the verbally abused SW fans and the physically abused Rhianna then your main concern should be reaching a 2nd grade reading level. Finally, yes, I understand domestic violence is more serious than Star Wars, that's why I used it. We need to consider how we apply our values and beliefs to different situations to make sure they're consistent.)


To hear a voice sympathetic to ones own calling out in rage and echoing in the seemingly bottomless darkness of current pop culture does ones spirits good. Thank you Overlord for this much needed contextual response. Your boundless rage keeps the flame of hope within me fueled and burning bright.