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Hail all! Sorry for the confusion re: the date in Rumblings, but yes, tonight is the Roundtable at 7 pm CST, and everyone gets 5 minutes to discuss this topic: What are the best and the worst moments of your favorite franchise?

The link will be posted here an hour beforehand! See you there!



Thank you for the clarification. Now to ignore the 2nd half of work and get to prepping. How does this work btw? Discorde, links to a site?


*starts stressing and writing*


Ahhh Discord... How they vext me. Oh wait will be at work. Will have to wait cor the Rumblings... Rumblings are Good!


Ah...I will be late, but I will be there. Prepare to be bronied!


I’m only going to get a couple hours into prep because my boss will loose it if I goof off too much from work again. But I get home at around 6 est so I will have time. The question is, will my brain cooperate? I might need some extra dark coffee for this one!


I’m having the good kinda stress. I want to say something smart and meaningful, but I know either way I will be entertained by Doomcock and his Doomcockians.


On second thought, I am feeling sick again (damn migraine inducing work computer) so I might just wing it. I apologize in advance!


It was discord last time, he posted a link, and you have to download the Discord app, or at least I did.


No apologies necessary my dear. Besides, I'm having a helluva time myself.


I appreciate getting your insight on some of this corporate backstory, Lord Doomcock! The old adage to follow the money (or the lack there of) seems appropriate. The shorter version of Rumblings may be better...easier for your schedule and more accessible for your allies. Not sure how you get it all done in a 24 hour day...you’re a pop culture analyzing machine, Sir!!


My apologies my liege. An unexpected situation arose which necessitated immediate action therefore I could not leave with the grace you deserve. I will relay the details in a private missive. I too am sorry as I was quite honored to be part of your fellowship.