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Hail all!  So, here is my take on what this Captain Marvel trailer really means for the MCU and for all of us.  What a sad and sorry state of affairs!

This is also the first of what will become regular public updates about what my YouTube channel is doing.  Perseus the Cat warned me that he had been unsubscribed without warning or permission, so it's clear to me this is why my subs are suppressed and my videos are not spreading, so I'm going to start issuing free public updates here to keep people apprised of what I'm doing.  So if you're new here and looking for info, welcome!

This video has just been posted (12/06/18 at 2:00 pm CST) and I'm going to be doing a livestream about The Wokening tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm CST for those who wish to discuss/fume/rant about it!  Hope to see you there, and as always, STAY ANGRY!



Doomcock was bored beyond the capacity to comment by the atrocious Captain Marvel trailer...until Doomcock realized that this was not merely a trailer, but a harbinger of Things to Come: THE WOKENING OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE! Check out what Doomcock has realized: that Captain Marvel is the perfect hero for the coming NPC world! #captainmarvel #TheWokening #marvelcomics Friends, it has come to my attention that people are being unsubbed from my channel! From now on, I am going to be issuing announcements regarding ALL my video releases and upcoming livestreams for free to the public on my patreon page because I CANNOT rely on YouTube to keep you guys informed, much less subscribed! So please take a moment to go to patreon.com/doomcock where you will find free daily updates about what's coming up. Longtime fans are being unsubbed and kept in the dark, and my channel suppressed. Help Doomcock survive by making sure you're still subscribed, turning on the notifications bell, and checking my Patreon page REGULARLY for free updates. Thanks guys! I'm only growing at this point through word of mouth, so please spread the word, and make sure you're still subscribed! Copyright 2018 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, and Harvey Cthuhlu are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock.



I couldn't agree more, I've gotten Marvel fatigue in the past couple years with the declining quality of the storytelling coming out of Disney Marvel


She judges! She bans! She hates normalcy! Marvel at the wokest woman who evar walked the face of the Earth! Yes, this is the one you've been waiting for, True Believer! Captain Woke-Vel!


I haven’t been unsubbed from you as of yet but I have from MechaRandom, Geeks + Gamers, EVS, World Class Bullshitters, and a few others. Incedently if you aren’t getting notifications try unringing the bell and ringing it again.


I get unsubbed from several channels all the time even though I watch them regularly. I guess I am subbed to too many of YouTube's Non PC channels.


Forgive me my Liege, as a foreigner I am uncertain of the meaning of "woke".

P.H. Vale

I don't think it's really Marvel fatigue. It's more of a thing how they make a lot of movies, but only very few are memorable. It's like they're trying to pin the tail on the donkey and hope something will stick. Once Avengers 4 is done, the super hero genre is over.


Her frown alone can deflate balloons and hopes at 100 yards distance. Craptain Woke-Vile! Face front! (But eyes up there...or she'll #YouToo!)


Funny how my subs have already had gains today. People realizing they've been unsubbed no doubt!


Funny how that works. Really pisses me off. Why is YT fucking with creators? They should be HELPING us!


It's a grammatically incorrect term for someone who has become aware of and indoctrinated into SJW "values". Glad to hear Australia isn't as afflicted by this malady!


Always love a Doomcock livestream.


An outstanding and insightful reading, my Liege, of what is, sad to say, "the future". I, too, only really found out what "woke" meant recently.


If the NPC/SJW crowd can silence the truth, they don’t have to defend their actions. I have not been unsubscribed, but I’m suspicious of a SJW conspiracy to silence leaders like yourself who dare to speak out boldly. For our like-minded allies, to know Lord Doomcock is to love Lord Doomcock. You’re making an impact in the pop culture wars, and I would say that’s why the powers at YouTube are limiting your channel growth. As for the trailer, I’ve added something else to my list of things not to watch. Expressionless, humorless, joyless, and soulless just isn’t my kind of superhero. Well said, my liege!


looks like I will be able to catch this one


Brilliant counter to the Googloid-run Youtube plot, Commander! I salute you!


The wokeness is maddening, but it has also had another effect, it has awakened the true fans from their slumber. I am one who will not sit idly by any longer, I will not lay down my money for this affront to entertainment and fatten their coffers. They may take our films, but they will never take our freedom to choose.


Am I the only one who thinks "NPC" is kind of a redundant term, since we still have "SJW" and know what that means? Anyway, I wonder how this movie will do. If there's one lesson you'd think Hollywood would have learned by now is that audiences do not appreciate being preached to about the white supremacist patriarchy. SJW art FAILS! It has failed over and over again. This could be Marvel's first bomb.


I doubt that it will actually bomb. The Marvel brand is almost bullet proof right now, and the media will slobber praise all over this movie b/c the star is a woman. I do think the movie will disappoint in comparison to other Marvel films, but it will probably take a few disappointments before it really impacts their box office performance in a big way.


I do not see this movie doing that well to be honest. It may get box office numbers comparable to Ant-Man and the Wasp. The issue I see with this movie is not only the lack of emotional range and empathy coming from Brie Larson, but the character that is being highlighted. Captain Marvel started out as Ms. Marvel in 1977 and since then this character has had a comic launched for her at least four times and it always get canceled for the same reasons. Lack of sells, lack of interest from the customer base, lack of character development. Without fail each run has lasted no more than a few years with 2012 to the current period having her Captain Marvel series relaunched multiple times for six to 12 issue runs. Captain Marvel was always better as a member of a team like the Avengers or the Star Jammers. In that capacity she managed to hang on for decades, even gaining a minor following, but inevitably she fails as a main character and can never achieve the A list status. I think that Kevin Fiege and the MCu is going to be disappointed with the results as the fan base has shown over 40 years that Carol Danvers is not compelling enough to hold her own.