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In this video, Doomcock shares a brilliant essay posted in the Community section by our very own Perseus the Cat (with his kind permission of course...thanks Perseus!) and then adds his own brutally frank commentary about the criticism and banning of the holiday classic "Baby It's Cold Outside".  This shit is exactly emblematic of what's wrong with our modern "civilization"...the systematic destruction and rewriting of all our past culture for not being "woke" enough.  Well fuck THAT!  Doomcock will fight every single inch of historical ground and defend not only our geek culture, but also our REGULAR culture, every damn step of the way!


Doomcock Defends "Baby It's Cold Outside" From PC Whining!

Initially unable to believe anyone could object to "Baby It's Cold Outside", Doomcock overheard a group of women actually criticizing the song out in public, and realized that this madness was REAL! Thus does Doomcock address it, presenting both an outstanding essay by Legionnaire Perseus the Cat on the history and context of the song, and then his own acerbic comments. These idiots won't be content until they've destroyed every single aspect of our history...too bad! Doomcock is on watch, manning the wall, shooting down every PC assault he sees! #deanmartin #babyitscoldoutside #getwokegobroke Copyright 2018 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, and Harvey Cthuhlu are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock



IF DoomCocks rooms a rockin don't come a knockin folks, *** slides Fridge ID card under the door silently tip toes away.*** { NeX" whats all that metal clanking noise coming from the Sires room ??? } N : "umm... hes...uh working With his Helmet " places hands on Nexs shoulders " To the Library! ,.. You can see the Lava men much better from the High Temp Glass between the rows of books there". Nex : "BUT... um ok."


It's sexist misogynistic patriarchy in Disney's Kiss the Girl, where the stalker Ariel has her minion Sebastian cajole Erik into kissing her, and now we are shown how a misinterpreted song from the 40's is,surprisingly a sexist "rapey" song. What does context have to do with anything, what's more important than performing a cursory glance to understand anything in its entirety. If doctors were as diligent we might all have died prior to the rise of such ignorant virtue signalling machines.It might be cold outside, and it might be 2.7 Kelvin in space, but it's 0 Kelvin in an NPC's heart.


Doomcock uses the word puritanism, and that's the case. What an irony that feminism is bringing the era of sexual liberation to an end! The signs have been there for a long time. The Feminist-Christian alliance against pornography back in the 80's and 90's gave me unease. But I told myself it didn't pertain to me, because I'm gay. Ha! The LBGTQIA+ community is constantly complaining about the "problematic" nature of gay male sexuality. Some have even insisted we are out to harass women! Looks like we are well on our way back to the world described in Baby It's Cold Outside.


Hail to thee, Perseus the Cat and Lord Doomcock! Perseus, this was a magnificent essay and correctly assails the SJW crowd for more false narrative on a treasured classic piece of our pop culture. I’ve long been a fan of the Dean Martin version of the song and always enjoy hearing it during the holiday season. This type of SJW thinking keeps driving me fucking bonkers. It’s exactly like the issue Lord Doomcock addressed the other day regarding SJW efforts to destroy Gene Roddenberry, Stan Lee, and Charles Schulz....absolutely no SJW understanding of the historical context of the times when the song was released. If they took the time to examine the historical context, they’d be praising the song for its progressive effort to promote women being able to make their own choices rather than be bound by old societal constraints. I’m definitely going to watch Neptune’s Daughter soon. I viewed both parts of the song on YouTube, Ricardo Montalban/Esther Williams and Red Skelton/Betty Garrett and was very impressed. We have a serious problem today with people having short attention spans and no critical thing skills...and these people fall for this kind of false SJW narrative all the time. Thank you for sharing this insight on a delightful tune and fighting the good fight for our pop culture!!


Hell, I never gave that song any thought at all, but at this rate they'll be coming for Sesame Street. Oh wait, they already did! What I want to know is how these snowflakes expect to survive the consequences of climate change? They ain't seen nothin' yet. Surely there are more pressing issues with which to concern themselves. As the planet continues to deteriorate, hopefully they will leave us some entertainment that is unfettered by their SJW obsession.


It would seem they're oblivious to such devastation due to how their brain only cares for things that offend them personally


Side note: I love the above image, and i like to imagine Doomcock traveling thru time...and that one decade he spent crooning out the classics and performing weekends in the Catskills in relative anonymity, with THIS the only photographic proof.


You just put a huge smile on my face Jesse. Dude, I love thinking of that too now! Thanks for the dream my brother!


Sorry Erik, but then again, you can be an ambassador of sanity to your state! I hereby appoint you so! ✊️


LOL! Dammit! I was told the soundproofing would work perfectly! Shitty Nazi craftsmanship, they used to be incredible craftsmen, but they've gotten lazy after decades down here...


I like porn, like sex, and they can all piss off! The way to resist social pressure is to not give a shit. Ta daa! Problem solved. Easy really when you're a supervillain who views most people as cattle to be led!


Perseus' essay was a delight! A very valuable springboard for me, it freed me up to make the points I made at the end of the vid. You guys are awesome!