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Hail all!  Here is my latest video with Harvey, ranting about the "racism" in "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving", the accusations leveled against Stan Lee, the shit slung at Star Trek for not being "woke" enough...in short, EVERYTHING IS RACIST!  AND I'M SICK OF IT!

Ran out of time to talk about Lord of the Rings, but that will be a follow-up video.  In the meantime, enjoy this latest volley from Doomcock against his insane SJW enemies as he sets the world STRAIGHT!  


The World Has Gone Insane! Doomcock Rants at the PC Madness!

This year "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" was branded racist by lunatics on Twitter, this just barely a month after Stan Lee was branded a racist after his death was announced...has the world lost its MIND? Here to set the world straight before conquering it, Doomcock dismantles this insane PC narrative once and for all, with the able help of Harvey Cthuhlu! #racism #stanlee #generoddenberry Doomcock summons you to his side to fight this madness! Join the Legion of Doomcock at patreon.com/doomcock and aid the Overlord in resisting the forces of PC insanity! We're building a community of free thinking warriors there, fighting to preserve our modern myths and protect them against corporate violations of canon! Love Star Wars? Want to save Star Trek? Then join us, and gain access to tens of hours of exclusive content, all starting at only $1 a month! Copyright 2018 Dicktor Van Doomcock. Doomcock, Dicktor Van Doomcock, and Harvey Cthuhlu are trademarks of Dicktor Van Doomcock



Hail, my Liege Lord. May the falsehoods and profanities that these distributors of duplicity be brought to light and denounced for the fabrications that they are. Rage I say and let fury fly, in times of strife never shall our Liege lie, but moving forward bearing torches to the fray, bringing these deceptions to the light of day.


The complete lack of objective thinking in these people is horrifying. They never stop and think for themselves, or bother to go watch the cartoon/tv show/movie they are bitching about to actually make their own judgements, noooo, they have too short an attention span and can’t be bothered. Instead, they get into a dick measuring competition over who is the most “woke” and have a knee jerk reaction of racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever to everything they see. Next they’ll be attacking MLK Jr. himself! *le sigh*


OG Spock Love, you have indeed pointed out that this generation of woketards are indeed in a competition. To see who will be the fastest to jump on the runaway train of lies, i mean signal their association, in their vendetta to falsehoods that they propagate in their incestuos campaign.

Tee SToney

You and me both, Doc. You and me both.


I commented on the YouTube video itself, and I'll reiterate here: Not content with having turned modern day entertainment into a soulless wasteland, free of the burden of creativity, and deeper meaning, NPCs must now satiate their voracious lust for destruction, by sifting through decades of past entertainment and culture, in order to shit on it. These disgusting pieces of human garbage are no better than ISIS. Having zero ability to create, discover, and invent, they turn to destroying anything that brings joy and happiness to others. They're sadists. They have a hard-on for watching other peoples' lives diminished in whatever way possible. Vile animals. I cannot express in words, the sheer contempt I hold for these pieces of shit.


Bollocks to the NPC/SJW crowd, Lord Doomcock! They create a great false uproar about artistic geniuses like Gene Roddenberry, Stan Lee, and Charles Schulz with no historical appreciation or even understanding of these artists or the conditions in the society of their day. The NPC/SJWs aren’t worthy of passing judgement on the work of these great men. If the NPC/SJWs knew anything of modern history, they’d be praising progressive social change for which these great artists willingly fought.


Amen Darrell! That's exactly what I find so infuriating! A bunch of nothings with big mouths and no guts presuming to pass judgment on brilliant people who fought the actual fights they're pretending to care about. Worthless bunch of whiny-ass fuckheads, the lot of them! This was a video I'd had rattling around in my head since Thanksgiving, so I'm glad I finally got it out there!


I can't find the words to express my loathing for this little nothing pieces of shit either, but this video was my attempt to try. It's hard though, cause all I want to do is curse at them. Still, Harvey helps me to calm down, keep me level...he's a good guy to have around, the threat of annihilation not withstanding! :)


Related: Radio station pulls “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” from playlist. <a href="https://triblive.com/aande/music/14354583-74/radio-station-drops-baby-its-cold-outside-from-christmas-playlist" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://triblive.com/aande/music/14354583-74/radio-station-drops-baby-its-cold-outside-from-christmas-playlist</a>


If you want to champion progress, then why not get on the band wagon; for example, in mourning Stan Lee and celebrating his works, more people have taken note of his progressive efforts. This is a GOOD THING! Join IN!. But no, then it wouldn't be ABOUT you, just Stan Lee and the cause (or Roddenberry or Schultz). They're using virtue signalling just to show the love they have for themselves. Disgusting.


The Mr. Peanut bit is hilarious hahaha